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I-PHONE ASTUCES - Désactiver l’accusé de lecture

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ASTRONOMY - Zhurong: New Rover on Mars

 2021 June 15

The picture shows Jupiter's moon Ganymede during a close pass of NASA's Juno 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Zhurong: New Rover on Mars
Image Credit: China National Space Administration

Explanation: There's a new rover on Mars. In mid-May, China's Tianwen-1 mission delivered the Zhurong rover onto the red planet. As Mars means Planet of Fire in Chinese, the Zhurong rover's name means, roughly, God of Fire in Chinese mythology. Zhurong landed in northern Utopia Planitia, the largest known impact basin in the Solar System, and an area reported to have much underground ice. Among many other scientific instruments, Zhurong carries ground-penetrating radar that can detect ice buried even 100-meters deep. Car-sized Zhurong is pictured here next to its landing base. The image was snapped by a remote camera deployed by the rolling rover. Zhurong's planned 90-day mission includes studying the geology, soil, and atmosphere of Mars in Utopia Planitia.



"Jaguar XJ220"

ASTRONOMY - Eclipse du soleil vue depuis Montreal

ASTRONOMY - Eclipse Flyby

 2021 June 11

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

Eclipse Flyby
Image Credit & Copyright: Zev Hoover, Christian Lockwood, and Zoe Chakoian

Explanation: On June 10 a New Moon passed in front of the Sun. In silhouette only two days after reaching apogee, the most distant point in its elliptical orbit, the Moon's small apparent size helped create an annular solar eclipse. The brief but spectacular annular phase of the eclipse shows a bright solar disk as a ring of fire when viewed along its narrow, northerly shadow track across planet Earth. Cloudy early morning skies along the US east coast held gorgeous views of a partially eclipsed Sun though. Rising together Moon and Sun are captured in a sequence of consecutive frames near maximum eclipse in this digital composite, seen from Quincy Beach south of Boston, Massachusetts. The serendipitous sequence follows the undulating path of a bird in flight joining the Moon in silhouette with the rising Sun.


I-PHONE ASTUCES - Comment améliorer la luminosité

Augmenter la luminosité quand vous prenez une photo Savez-vous qu'il est possible d'améliorer la luminosité quand vous prenez une photo ? Cette fonction est bien pratique si vous faites une photo dans un endroit sombre avec peu de lumière. Ou si, à l'inverse, vous voulez diminuer la luminosité pour une photo prise en contre-jour. Pour cela, touchez l'écran n'importe où, puis glissez votre doigt vers le haut pour augmenter la luminosité ou vers le bas pour la baisser.

AERONAUTIQUE - Drôles de machines - Zoom Climb

ASTRONOMY - A Total Lunar Eclipse Corona

 2021 June 9

The picture shows total lunar eclipsed moon surrounded by a colorful atmospheric corona. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

A Total Lunar Eclipse Corona
Image Credit & Copyright: Helmut Eder

Explanation: This moon appears multiply strange. This moon was a full moon, specifically called a Flower Moon at this time of the year. But that didn't make it strange -- full moons occur once a month (moon-th). This moon was a supermoon, meaning that it reached its full phase near its closest approach to the Earth in its slightly elliptical orbit. Somewhat strange, a supermoon appears a bit larger and brighter than the average full moon -- and enables it to be called a Super Flower Moon.  This moon was undergoing a total lunar eclipse. An eclipsed moon can look quite strange, being dark, unevenly lit, and, frequently, red -- sometimes called blood red. Therefore, this moon could be called a Super Flower Blood Moon. This moon was seen through thin clouds. These clouds created a faint corona around the moon, making it look not only strange, but colorful. This moon was imaged so deeply that the heart of the Milky Way galaxy, far in the background, was visible to its lower right. This moon, this shadow, this galaxy and these colors were all captured last month near CassilisNSWAustralia -- with a single shot. (Merged later with two lower shots that better capture the Milky Way.)


ASTRONOMY - A Bright Nova in Cassiopeia

 2021 June 7

A deep image toward the constellation of Cassiopeia 
showing transient Nova Cas as it appeared in 2021 March. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

A Bright Nova in Cassiopeia
Image Credit & Copyright: Chuck Ayoub

Explanation: What’s that new spot of light in Cassiopeia? A nova. Although novas occur frequently throughout the universe, this nova, known as Nova Cas 2021 or V1405 Cas, became so unusually bright in the skies of Earth last month that it was visible to the unaided eye. Nova Cas 2021 first brightened in mid-March but then, unexpectedly, became even brighter in mid-May and remained quite bright for about a week. The nova then faded back to early-May levels, but now is slightly brightening again and remains visible through binoculars. Identified by the arrow, the nova occurred toward the constellation of Cassiopeia, not far from the Bubble Nebula. A nova is typically caused by a thermonuclear explosion on the surface of a white dwarf star that is accreting matter from a binary-star companion -- although details of this outburst are currently unknown. Novas don't destroy the underlying star, and are sometimes seen to recur. The featured image was created from 14 hours of imaging from DetroitMichiganUSA. Both professional and amateur astronomers will likely continue to monitor Nova Cas 2021 and hypothesize about details of its cause.

ASTRONOMY - NGC 206 and the Star Clouds of Andromeda

 2024 November 28 NGC 206 and the Star Clouds of Andromeda Image Credit &  Copyright :  Roberto Marinoni Explanation:  The large stellar...