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ASTRONOMY - Eclipse on a Polar Day

2021 December 10
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

Eclipse on a Polar Day
Image Credit & Copyright: Stephanie Ziyi Ye

Explanation: During polar day, in Arctic and Antarctic summer, the Sun stays above the horizon for periods of 24 hours or more. Recorded on December 4, this fisheye timelapse image tracks the Sun in multiple frames as it completes a circle in the summer sky above Union Glacier, Antarctica. Of course on that date, Union Glacier's sky did grow dark even though the Sun was above the horizon. Captured during the brief period of totality, an eclipsed Sun is at bottom center of the composite view. Near the edge of the total eclipse path across planet Earth, the Moon's shadow darkens the sky above. 


ASTRONOMY - A Total Eclipse of the Sun

 2021 December 9

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

A Total Eclipse of the Sun
Image Credit & Copyright: Theo Boris, Christian A. Lockwood, David Zimmerman (JM Pasachoff Antarctic Expedition)
Compositing: Zev Hoover and Ronald Dantowitz (MARS Scientific)

Explanation: Few were able to stand in the Moon's shadow and watch the December 4 total eclipse of the Sun. Determined by celestial mechanics and not geographical boundaries, the narrow path of totality tracked across planet Earth's relatively inaccessible southernmost continent. Still, some enthusiastic and well-insulated eclipse chasers were rewarded with the dazzling spectacle in Antarctica's cold but clear skies. Taken just before the brief totality began, this image from a ground-based telescope inside the edge of the shadow path at Union Glacier catches a glimmer of sunlight near the top of the silhouetted lunar disk. Look closely for the pinkish solar prominences arcing above the Sun's limb. During totality, the magnificent solar corona, the Sun's outer atmosphere, made its much anticipated appearance, seen in the composite view streaming far from the Sun's edge.

AERONAUTIQUE - Avions de légende - Messerschmitt Me 262

Cet éphémère chasseur-bombardier allemand, monoplace, de la seconde guerre mondiale, qui a volé entre 1944 et 1945, est le premier avion militaire à réaction. Les premiers essais ont lieu en 1941 (avec un moteur à pistons) et en 1942 avec deux réacteurs.

Les vitesses atteintes en opération dépassaient les 800 km/h. Plus rapide que n'importe quel autre avion de l'époque, le Me 262 était très difficile à abattre et efficace en attaque. Cependant, son autonomie était faible, à peine plus d'une heure, ce qui donnait une distance franchissable d'un millier de kilomètres au maximum, donc un rayon d'action bien inférieur à la moitié en opérations. Ses réacteurs délivraient une puissance faible à basses vitesses. Capricieux, ils réagissaient mal aux remises de gaz, parfois en s'éteignant. La maîtrise du ciel par les armées alliées à partir du printemps 1944 a rendu difficile l'exploitation du Me 262 par l'armée allemande.

© Noop1958, Wikimedia commons, DP


ASTRONOMY - Comet Hale-Bopp Over Val Parola Pass

2021 December 8
The featured image shows Comet Hale-Bopp over the Dolomite
mountains as it appeared in 1997
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Comet Hale-Bopp Over Val Parola Pass
Image Credit & Copyright: A. Dimai, (Col Druscie Obs.), AAC

Explanation: Comet Hale-Bopp, the Great Comet of 1997, became much brighter than any surrounding stars. It was seen even over bright city lights. Away from city lights, however, it put on quite a spectacular show. Here Comet Hale-Bopp was photographed above Val Parola Pass in the Dolomite mountains surrounding Cortina d'AmpezzoItalyComet Hale-Bopp's blue ion tail, consisting of ions from the comet's nucleus, is pushed out by the solar wind. The white dust tail is composed of larger particles of dust from the nucleus driven by the pressure of sunlight, that orbit behind the comet. Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) remained visible to the unaided eye for 18 months -- longer than any other comet in recorded history. The large comet is next expected to return around the year 4385. This month, Comet Leonard is brightening and may soon become visible to the unaided eye. 


ASTRONOMY - Ninety Gravitational Wave Spectrograms and Counting

2021 December 7
The featured image shows spectrograms for the first 90
gravitational wave events ever detected.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Ninety Gravitational Wave Spectrograms and Counting
Image Credit: NSFLIGOVIRGOKAGRAGeorgia TechVanderbilt U.Graphic Sudarshan Ghonge & Karan Jani

Explanation: Every time two massive black holes collide, a loud chirping sound is broadcast out into the universe in gravitational waves. Humanity has only had the technology to hear these unusual chirps for the past seven years, but since then we have heard about 90 -- during the first three observing runs. Featured above are the spectrograms -- plots of gravitational-wave frequency versus time -- of these 90 as detected by the giant detectors of LIGO (in the USA), VIRGO (in Europe), and KAGRA (in Japan). The more energy received on Earth from a collision, the brighter it appears on the graphic. Among many science firsts, these gravitational-radiation chirps are giving humanity an unprecedented inventory of black holes and neutron stars, and a new way to measure the expansion rate of our universe. A fourth gravitational wave observing run with increased sensitivity is currently planned to begin in 2022 December.

AERONAUTIQUE - Avions de légende - Le Corsair

Ce chasseur-bombardier monoplace de l'armée américaine de près de quatre tonnes à vide a été conçu autour d'un puissant moteur Pratt & Whitney, de 2.000 chevaux. Construit à partir de 1942, il a d'abord été engagé dans la guerre du Pacifique, durant la seconde guerre mondiale.

Reconnaissable à son aile en W (qui permettait de raccourcir les jambes du train d'atterrissage), il était très rapide pour l'époque (plus de 600 km/h) et conçu pour se poser sur les porte-avions. L'avion a été ensuite utilisé par l'armée française en Indochine, à partir de 1952.

Le « Corsair » doit aussi sa célébrité à une série télévisée, Les têtes brûlées en français, diffusée dans les années 1970. Le comédien Robert Conrad y jouait le rôle de Gregory « Pappy » Boyington, qui a réellement existé.

© Gerry Metzler, Flickr, CC by-sa 2.0


ASTRONOMY - Space Station Silhouette on the Moon

 2021 December 6

The featured image shows a silhouette of the International
Space Station -- in great detail -- in front of the Moon.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Space Station Silhouette on the Moon
Image Credit & Copyright: Andrew McCarthy

Explanation: What's that unusual spot on the Moon? It's the International Space Station. Using precise timing, the Earth-orbiting space platform was photographed in front of a partially lit gibbous Moon last month. The featured composite, taken from PaysonArizonaUSA last month, was intricately composed by combining, in part, many 1/2000-second images from a video of the ISS crossing the Moon. A close inspection of this unusually crisp ISS silhouette will reveal the outlines of numerous solar panels and trusses. The bright crater Tycho is visible on the upper left, as well as comparatively rough, light colored terrain known as highlands, and relatively smooth, dark colored areas known as maria. On-line tools can tell you when the International Space Station will be visible from your area.


ASTRONOMY - Total Solar Eclipse Below the Bottom of the World

 2021 December 5

The featured image shows the total solar eclipse of
2021 November 4 from an airplane flying over Antarctica.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Total Solar Eclipse Below the Bottom of the World
Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horálek (ESO Photo AmbassadorInst. of Physics in Opava)

Explanation: Yesterday there was a total solar eclipse visible only at the end of the Earth. To capture the unusual phenomenon, airplanes took flight below the clouded seascape of Southern Ocean. The featured image shows one relatively spectacular capture where the bright spot is the outer corona of the Sun and the eclipsing Moon is seen as the dark spot in the center. A wing and engine of the airplane are visible across the left and bottom of the image, while another airplane observing the eclipse is visible on the far left. The dark area of the sky surrounding the eclipsed Sun is called a shadow cone. It is dark because you are looking down a long corridor of air shadowed by the Moon. A careful inspection of the eclipsed Sun will reveal the planet Mercury just to the right. The next total solar eclipse shadow will cross parts of Australia and Indonesia in April of 2023, while the one after that will cross North America in April of 2024.


ASTRONOMY - Iridescent by Moonlight

 2021 December 4

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

Iridescent by Moonlight
Image Credit & Copyright: Marcella Giulia Pace

Explanation: In this snapshot from November 18, the Full Moon was not far from Earth's shadow. In skies over Sicily the brightest lunar phase was eclipsed by passing clouds though. The full moonlight was dimmed and momentarily diffracted by small but similar sized water droplets near the edges of the high thin clouds. The resulting iridescence shines with colors like a lunar corona. On that night, the Full Moon was also seen close to the Pleiades star cluster appearing at the lower left of the iridescent cloud bank. The stars of the Seven Sisters were soon to share the sky with a darker, reddened lunar disk.


AERONAUTQUE - Avions de légende - Mistubishi A6M - Le "zéro"

Chasseur-bombardier monoplace japonais, le Mistubishi A6M a été à partir de 1939 et a joué un grand rôle durant la guerre contre les États-Unis. Redouté des pilotes américains, ce puissant monomoteur à hélice (plus de 900 chevaux) est assez caractéristique des chasseurs de la seconde guerre mondiale.

Le « Zero » (pour les Japonais), ou « Zeke » (pour les alliés), avait l'avantage d'une maniabilité exceptionnelle et d'une grande légèreté, lui garantissant une vitesse élevée (près de 600 km/h). Sa supériorité s'est cependant émoussée avec l'arrivée d'appareils américains beaucoup plus puissants (le P47 dépassait les 2.000 chevaux) et nombreux. Vulnérable car dépourvu de blindage afin de gagner du poids, il a fini par subir de lourdes pertes.

Les Zeros en état de vol sont aujourd'hui extrêmement rares et toujours le résultat d'une reconstruction. Celui qui peut être admiré chaque année au meeting de La Ferté-Alais, près de Paris, est en fait un North American T6 modifié, qui fut utilisé dans plusieurs films de cinéma.

© Paul Richter, Wikimedia commons, CC by-sa 3.0

ASTRONOMY - Wolf Moon Engulfs Mars

 2025 January 15 Wolf Moon Engulfs Mars Image Credit & Copyright:  Imran Sultan Explanation:  Does the Moon ever engulf Mars? Yes, but o...