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AERONAUTIQUE -.Avions de légende - Le Falcon 7X, un avion présidentiel
ASTRONOMY - Saturn, Tethys, Rings and Shadows
2022 January 23
Image Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Seen from ice moon Tethys, rings and shadows would display fantastic views of the Saturnian system. Haven't dropped in on Tethys lately? Then this gorgeous ringscape from the Cassini spacecraft will have to do for now. Caught in sunlight just below and left of picture center in 2005, Tethys itself is about 1,000 kilometers in diameter and orbits not quite five saturn-radii from the center of the gas giant planet. At that distance (around 300,000 kilometers) it is well outside Saturn's main bright rings, but Tethys is still one of five major moons that find themselves within the boundaries of the faint and tenuous outer E ring. Discovered in the 1980s, two very small moons Telesto and Calypso are locked in stable along Tethys' orbit. Telesto precedes and Calypso follows Tethys as the trio circles Saturn.
AERONAUTIQUE - Avions de légende - Le Mikoyan-Gourevitch MiG-21, un avion à réaction soviétique
MICROPHOTOGRAPHIE - L'acide malique : le plein de goût
ASTRONOMY - NGC 7822 in Cepheus
2022 January 20
Image Credit & Copyright: Mark Carter
Explanation: Hot, young stars and cosmic pillars of gas and dust seem to crowd into NGC 7822. At the edge of a giant molecular cloud toward the northern constellation Cepheus, the glowing star forming region lies about 3,000 light-years away. Within the nebula, bright edges and dark shapes stand out in this colorful telescopic skyscape. The image includes data from narrowband filters, mapping emission from atomic oxygen, hydrogen, and sulfur into blue, green, and red hues. The emission line and color combination has become well-known as the Hubble palette. The atomic emission is powered by energetic radiation from the central hot stars. Their powerful winds and radiation sculpt and erode the denser pillar shapes and clear out a characteristic cavity light-years across the center of the natal cloud. Stars could still be forming inside the pillars by gravitational collapse but as the pillars are eroded away, any forming stars will ultimately be cutoff from their reservoir of star stuff. This field of view spans about 40 light-years at the estimated distance of NGC 7822.
ASTRONOMY - From Orion to the Southern Cross
2022 January 18
Image Credit & Copyright: Lucy Yunxi Hu
Explanation: This is a sky filled with glowing icons. On the far left is the familiar constellation of Orion, divided by its iconic three-aligned belt stars and featuring the famous Orion Nebula, both partly encircled by Barnard's Loop. Just left of center in the featured image is the brightest star in the night: Sirius. Arching across the image center is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. On the far right, near the top, are the two brightest satellite galaxies of the Milky Way: the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). Also on the far right -- just above the cloudy horizon -- is the constellation of Crux, complete with the four stars that make the iconic Southern Cross. The featured image is a composite of 18 consecutive exposures taken by the same camera and from the same location in eastern Australia during the last days of last year. In the foreground, picturesque basalt columns of the Bombo Quarry part to reveal the vast Pacific
ASTRONOMY - A Retreating Thunderstorm at Sunset
Image Credit & Copyright: Alan Dyer (The Amazing Sky)
Explanation: What type of cloud is that? This retreating cumulonimbus cloud, more commonly called a thundercloud, is somewhat unusual as it contains the unusual bumpiness of a mammatus cloud on the near end, while simultaneously producing falling rain on the far end. Taken in mid-2013 in southern Alberta, Canada, the cloud is moving to the east, into the distance, as the sun sets in the west, behind the camera. In the featured image, graphic sunset colors cross the sky to give the already photogenic cloud striking orange and pink hues. A darkening blue sky covers the background. Further in the distance, a rising, waxing, gibbous moon is visible on the far right.
AERONAUTIQUE - Le Blériot XI et la première traversée de la Manche en avion
SANTé/MEDECINE - Alimentation - Il faut absolument éviter les crêpes industrielles - 1/3 -
Jambon-fromage, complète, pancake... À l'approche de la Chandeleur, difficile de ne pas savourer des crêpes sous toutes leurs formes ! ...
2021 May 11 Lightning and Orion Beyond Uluru Image Credit & Copyright: Park Liu Explanation: What's happening behind Uluru? A Un...
2021 January 3 A Phoenix Aurora over Iceland Image Credit & Copyright: Hallgrimur P. Helgason ; Rollover Annotation: Judy Schmidt Ex...