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ASTRONOMY - Tagging Bennu

 2023 September 21

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and animated gif.

Tagging Bennu
Image Credit: OSIRIS-RExUniversity of ArizonaNASAGoddard Scientific Visualization Studio

Explanation: The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft's arm reached out and touched asteroid 101955 Bennu on October 20, 2020, after a careful approach to the small, near-Earth asteroid's boulder-strewn surface. Dubbed a Touch-And-Go (TAG) sampling event, the 30 centimeter wide sampling head (TAGSAM) appears to crush some of the rocks in this close-up recorded by the spacecraft's SamCam. The image was snapped just after surface contact some 321 million kilometers from planet Earth. One second later, the spacecraft fired nitrogen gas from a bottle intended to blow a substantial amount of Bennu's regolith into the sampling head, collecting the loose surface material. And now, nearly three years later, on Sunday, September 24, that sample of asteroid Bennu is scheduled to arrive on planet Earth. The sample return capsule will be dropped off by the OSIRIS-Rex spacecraft as it makes a close flyby of Earth. Twenty minutes after the drop-off, the spacecraft will fire its thrusters to divert past Earth and continue on to orbit near-Earth asteroid 99942 Apophis.


ASTRONOMY - Methane Discovered on Distant Exoplanet

 2023 September 20

An artist's illustration pictures a cloudy red planet
orbiting a distant red star. Near the exoplanet is a moon.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Methane Discovered on Distant Exoplanet
Illustration Credit: Ahmad Jabakenji (ASU LebanonNorth Star Space Art); Data: NASAESACSAJWST

Explanation: Where else might life exist? One of humanity's great outstanding questions, locating planets where extrasolar life might survive took a step forward in 2019 with the discovery of a significant amount of water vapor in the atmosphere of distant exoplanet K2-18b. The planet and its parent star, K2-18, lie about 124 light years away toward the constellation of the Lion (Leo). The exoplanet is significantly larger and more massive than our Earth, but orbits in the habitable zone of its home star. K2-18, although more red than our Sun, shines in K2-18b's sky with a brightness similar to the Sun in Earth's sky. The 2019 discovery of atmospheric water was made in data from three space telescopes: HubbleSpitzer, and Kepler, by noting the absorption of water-vapor colors when the planet moved in front of the star. Now in 2023, further observations by the Webb Space Telescope in infrared light have uncovered evidence of other life-indicating molecules -- including methane. The featured illustration imagines exoplanet K2-18b on the far right orbited by a moon (center), which together orbit a red dwarf star depicted on the lower left.


ASTRONOMY - HH 211: Jets from a Forming Star

 2023 September 19

Two jets are seen in red and blue moving out from
a central object shroueded by a diffuse dark brown. The
rest of the frame is dark but with an few bright stars.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

HH 211: Jets from a Forming Star
Credit: NASAESACSAWebb; Processing: Tom Ray (DIAS Dublin)

Explanation: Do stars always create jets as they form? No one is sure. As a gas cloud gravitationally contracts, it forms a disk that can spin too fast to continue contracting into a protostar. Theorists hypothesize that this spin can be reduced by expelling jets. This speculation coincides with known Herbig-Haro (HH) objects, young stellar objects seen to emit jets -- sometimes in spectacular fashionPictured is Herbig-Haro 211, a young star in formation recently imaged by the Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in infrared light and in great detail. Along with the two narrow beams of particles, red shock waves can be seen as the outflows impact existing interstellar gas. The jets of HH 221 will likely change shape as they brighten and fade over the next 100,000 years, as research into the details of star formation continues.


ASTRONOMY - Moon Mountains Magnified during Ring of Fire Eclipse

 2023 September 17

A dark circle is seen in the image center. On both the
left and right of the circle are a series of bright half-rings.
Some parts of these bright half rings are dark, and the dark
areas look similar to mountains.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Moon Mountains Magnified during Ring of Fire Eclipse
Credit & Copyright: Wang Letian (Eyes at Night)

Explanation: What are those dark streaks in this composite image of a solar eclipse? They are reversed shadows of mountains at the edge of the Moon. The center image, captured from XiamenChina, has the Moon's center directly in front of the Sun's center. The Moon, though, was too far from the Earth to completely block the entire Sun. Light that streamed around the edges of the Moon is called a ring of fire. Images at each end of the sequence show sunlight that streamed through lunar valleys. As the Moon moved further in front of the Sun, left to right, only the higher peaks on the Moon's perimeter could block sunlight. Therefore, the dark streaks are projected, distorted, reversed, and magnified shadows of mountains at the Moon's edge. Bright areas are called Baily's Beads. Only people in a narrow swath across Earth's Eastern Hemisphere were able to view this full annular solar eclipse in 2020. Next month, though, a narrow swath crossing both North and South America will be exposed to the next annular solar eclipse. And next April, a total solar eclipse will be visible across North America.

ASTRONOMY - The Red Sprite and the Tree

 2023 September 18

A lone tree is seen on the right of a dark grassy 
field. Above and on the right, a bright red filamentary
glow is seen in the sky. The filaments of this glow 
may seem similar to the branches of the tree.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

The Red Sprite and the Tree
Credit & Copyright: Maxime Villaeys

Explanation: The sprite and tree could hardly be more different. To start, the red sprite is an unusual form of lightning, while the tree is a common plant. The sprite is far away -- high in Earth's atmosphere, while the tree is nearby -- only about a football field away. The sprite is fast -- electrons streaming up and down at near light's speed, while the tree is slow -- wood anchored to the ground. The sprite is bright -- lighting up the sky, while the tree is dim -- shining mostly by reflected light. The sprite was fleeting -- lasting only a small fraction of a second, while the tree is durable -- living now for many years. Both however, when captured together, appear oddly similar in this featured composite image captured early this month in France as a thunderstorm passed over mountains of the Atlantic Pyrenees.


ASTRONOMY - Fireball over Iceland

 2023 September 16

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

Fireball over Iceland
Image Credit & CopyrightJennifer Franklin

Explanation: On September 12, from a location just south of the Arctic Circle, stones of Iceland's modern Arctic Henge point skyward in this startling scene. Entertaining an intrepid group of aurora hunters during a geomagnetic storm, alluring northern lights dance across the darkened sky when a stunning fireball meteor explodes. Awestruck, the camera-equipped skygazers captured video and still images of the boreal bolide, at its peak about as bright as a full moon. Though quickly fading from view, the fireball left a lingering visible trail or persistent train. The wraith-like trail was seen for minutes wafting in the upper atmosphere at altitudes of 60 to 90 kilometers along with the auroral glow.


AERONAUTIQUE - LES INVENTIONS QUI N'ONT JAMAIS VOLE - Le manteau parachute de Franz Reichelt

Tristement célèbre, Franz Reichelt, aussi appelé le « Flying Taylor », a inventé le manteau parachute. Une invention tellement sûre qu'il décida de l'étrenner en grande pompe en sautant de la Tour Eiffel. Vous l'aurez compris, si cette invention fait partie de notre top 10, c'est parce qu'elle n'a jamais fonctionné. Franz Reichelt fut tué sur le coup.


ASTRONOMY - Venus, Moon, and the Smoking Mountain

 2023 September 15

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

Venus, Moon, and the Smoking Mountain
Image Credit & CopyrightLuis Miguel Meade Rodríguez

Explanation: Venus has returned as a brilliant morning star. From a window seat on a flight to Mexico City, the bright celestial beacon was captured just before sunrise in this astronomical snapshot, taken on September 12. Venus, at the upper right, shared the early predawn skies with an old crescent Moon. Seen from this stratospheric perspective, both mountain peaks and clouds appear in silhouette along a glowing eastern horizon. The dramatic, long, low cloud bank was created by venting from planet Earth's active volcano Popocatépetl.



Si Léonard de Vinci a été précurseur dans de nombreux domaines, bon nombre de ses inventions n'ont jamais pu fonctionner. Voici l'exemple de la vis aérienne qui prédestine l'hélicoptère. Elle a été conçue comme une toupie. Sans l'aide d'une queue, elle n'aurait pu faire autrement que de tourbillonner sans pouvoir être dirigée. Fabriquée entre 1487 et 1490, cet engin vole verticalement. Un souci cependant : Léonard de Vinci n'a pas pensé à la force de propulsion !


ASTRONOMY - NGC 4632: Galaxy with a Hidden Polar Ring

 2023 September 13

A galaxy with blue spiral arms is seen in the image center 
in the midst of numerous foreground stars.
This galaxy is surrounded by a white envelope, which was found
to be hydrogen gas.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

NGC 4632: Galaxy with a Hidden Polar Ring
Credit: Jayanne English (U. Manitoba), Nathan Deg (Queen's University) & WALLABY SurveyCSIRO/ASKAPNAOJ/Subaru Telescope; Text: Jayanne English (U. Manitoba)

Explanation: Galaxy NGC 4632 hides a secret from optical telescopes. It is surrounded by a ring of cool hydrogen gas orbiting at 90 degrees to its spiral disk. Such polar ring galaxies have previously been discovered using starlight. However, NGC 4632 is among the first in which a radio telescope survey revealed a polar ring. The featured composite image combines this gas ring, observed with the highly sensitive ASKAP telescope, with optical data from the Subaru telescope. Using virtual reality, astronomers separated out the gas in the main disk of the galaxy from the ring, and the subtle color gradient traces its orbital motion. Why do polar rings exist? They could be material pulled from one galaxy as it gravitationally interacts with a companion. Or hydrogen gas flows along the filaments of the cosmic web and accretes into a ring around a galaxy, some of which gravitationally contracts into stars.

ASTRONOMY - A New Year's Aurora and SAR Arc

 2025 January 7 A New Year's Aurora and SAR Arc Image Credit & Copyright:  Alessandra Masi Explanation:  It was a new year, and the ...