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ASTRONOMY - NGC 602: Stars Versus Pillars from Webb

2024 October 29
A starfield is shown featuring many stars in the center
and many pillars of interstellar dust around the edges
pointing toward the center. The main image is in infrared
light, and a rollover image from Hubble shows the same
scene in visible light.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

NGC 602: Stars Versus Pillars from Webb
Credit: ESA/WebbNASA & CSAP. ZeidlerE. SabbiA. NotaM. Zamani (ESA/Webb)

Explanation: The stars are destroying the pillars. More specifically, some of the newly formed stars in the image center are emitting light so energetic that is evaporating the gas and dust in the surrounding pillars. Simultaneously, the pillars themselves are still trying to form new stars. The whole setting is the star cluster NGC 602, and this new vista was taken by the Webb Space Telescope in multiple infrared colors. In comparison, a roll-over image shows the same star cluster in visible light, taken previously by the Hubble Space Telescope. NGC 602 is located near the perimeter of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), a small satellite galaxy of our Milky Way galaxy. At the estimated distance of the SMC, the featured picture spans about 200 light-years. A tantalizing assortment of background galaxies are also visible -- mostly around the edges -- that are at least hundreds of millions of light-years beyond. 


VILLES BIONIQUES DU FUTUR - Coral Reef : un nouveau village pour Haïti

Après tous les désastres sismiques, Haïti est à reconstruire et le projet Coral Reef a pour objectif de bâtir un millier de logements préfabriqués en bord de mer, autonomes en énergie. À partir d'un module unique, l'ensemble prend la forme de deux vagues, inspirées des récifs coralliens, ménageant un espace central qui abrite un milieu naturel.

© Vincent Callebaut

ASTRONOMY - A Glowing River over France

 2024 October 28

A night sky is shown with a bright red band running
overhead. Above the red band is a diffuse red glow.
A path through a grassy filed is in the foreground
with a path going out toward the horizon. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

STEVE: A Glowing River over France
Credit & Copyright: Louis LEROUX-GÉRÉ

Explanation: Sometimes a river of hot gas flows over your head. In this case the river created a Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (STEVE) that glowed bright red, white, and pink. Details of how STEVEs work remain a topic of research, but recent evidence holds that their glow results from a fast-moving river of hot ions flowing over a hundred kilometers up in the Earth's atmosphere: the ionosphere. The more expansive dull red glow might be related to the flowing STEVE, but alternatively might be a Stable Auroral Red (SAR) arc, a more general heat-related glow. The featured picture, taken earlier this month in Côte d'OpaleFrance, is a wide-angle digital composite made as the STEVE arc formed nearly overhead. Although the apparition lasted only a few minutes, this was long enough for the quick-thinking astrophotographer to get in the picture -- can you find him?

LES NUAGES DIEUX DU CIEL - Stratocumulus en Nouvelle-Zélande

Stratocumulus photographiés en Nouvelle-Zélande. 

© John Day, Cloudman's Gallery,


ASTRONOMY - LDN 43: The Cosmic Bat Nebula

 2024 October 27

A starfield is shown with a large brown dust nebula
in the center. The nebula appears, to some, to be shaped
like a bat. One of the stars in the dust nebula even appears
to be the eye of the bat. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

LDN 43: The Cosmic Bat Nebula
Credit & Copyright: Mark Hanson and Mike Selby; Text: Michelle Thaller (NASA's GSFC)

Explanation: What is the most spook-tacular nebula in the galaxy? One contender is LDN 43, which bears an astonishing resemblance to a vast cosmic bat flying amongst the stars on a dark Halloween night. Located about 1400 light years away in the constellation Ophiuchus, this molecular cloud is dense enough to block light not only from background stars, but from wisps of gas lit up by the nearby reflection nebula LBN 7. Far from being a harbinger of death, this 12-light year-long filament of gas and dust is actually a stellar nursery. Glowing with eerie light, the bat is lit up from inside by dense gaseous knots that have just formed young stars.


VILLES BIONIQUES DU FUTUR - Dragonfly : un projet bionique pour New York

Ces deux ailes de libellule forment un ensemble d'habitation, de travail et de production agricole. Conçu pour New York et ses fortes fluctuations de température, ce prototype ménage en son centre un immense volume fermé par un voile de verre et d'acier. Les lieux habités se trouvent sur la circonférence des ailes et l'espace entre les deux constitue une serre où prennent place des cultures variées. La moitié de l'énergie vient du bouclier photovoltaïque sur la proue sud et l'autre de trois éoliennes.

© Vincent Callebaut

ASTRONOMY - Phantoms in Cassiopeia

 2024 October 26

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

Phantoms in Cassiopeia
Image Credit & CopyrightChristophe Vergnes, Hervé Laur

Explanation: These brightly outlined flowing shapes look ghostly on a cosmic scale. A telescopic view toward the constellation Cassiopeia, the colorful skyscape features the swept-back, comet-shaped clouds IC 59 (left) and IC 63. About 600 light-years distant, the clouds aren't actually ghosts. They are slowly disappearing though, under the influence of energetic radiation from hot, luminous star gamma Cas. Gamma Cas is physically located only 3 to 4 light-years from the nebulae and lies just above the right edge of the frame. Slightly closer to gamma Cas, IC 63 is dominated by red H-alpha light emitted as hydrogen atoms ionized by the hot star's ultraviolet radiation recombine with electrons. Farther from the star, IC 59 shows less H-alpha emission but more of the characteristic blue tint of dust reflected star light. The field of view spans over 1 degree or 10 light-years at the estimated distance of the interstellar apparitions.


ASTRONOMY - NGC 7293: The Helix Nebula

 2024 October 24

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

NGC 7293: The Helix Nebula
Image Credit & CopyrightPatrick Winkler

Explanation: A mere seven hundred light years from Earth toward the constellation Aquarius, a star is dying. The once sun-like star's last few thousand years have produced the Helix Nebula. Also known as NGC 7293, the cosmic Helix is a well studied and nearby example of a Planetary Nebula, typical of this final phase of stellar evolution. Combining narrow band data from emission lines of hydrogen atoms in red and oxygen atoms in blue-green hues, this deep image shows tantalizing details of the Helix, including its bright inner region about 3 light-years across. The white dot at the Helix's center is this Planetary Nebula's hot, dying central star. A simple looking nebula at first glance, the Helix is now understood to have a surprisingly complex geometry.



 2024 October 23

Credit & Copyright: SpaceX

Explanation: What if a rocket could return to its launch tower -- and be caught? This happened for the first time 10 days ago, after a SpaceX Starship rocket blasted off from its pad in Boca ChicaTexasUSA. Starship then split, as planned, with its upper stage landing in the Pacific Ocean. The big difference was the lower stage, Super Heavy Booster 12, was caught by its launch tower about 7 minutes later. Catching a rocket for reuse is a new and innovative way to help reduce the cost of rocket flight by making rockets more easily reusable. Starship rockets may be used by NASA in the future to send spacecraft to Earth orbit, the Moon, and even other planets.


ASTRONOMY -M16: Pillars of Star Creation

2024 October 22
Three large interstellar dust pillars are shown
against a starfield and a multicolored glowing background.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

M16: Pillars of Star Creation
Image Credit: NASAESACSASTScI; Processing: Diego Pisano

Explanation: These dark pillars may look destructive, but they are creating stars. This pillar-capturing picture of the Eagle Nebula combines visible light exposures taken with the Hubble Space Telescope with infrared images taken with the James Webb Space Telescope to highlight evaporating gaseous globules (EGGs) emerging from pillars of molecular hydrogen gas and dust. The giant pillars are light years in length and are so dense that interior gas contracts gravitationally to form stars. At each pillar's end, the intense radiation of bright young stars causes low density material to boil away, leaving stellar nurseries of dense EGGs exposed. The Eagle Nebula, associated with the open star cluster M16, lies about 7000 light years away. 

ASTRONOMY - An Evening Sky Full of Planets

 2025 January 11 An Evening Sky Full of Planets Image Credit &  Copyright :   Dario Giannobile Explanation:  Only Mercury is missing fro...