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ASTRONOMIE - La Lune rend visite à Vénus et Saturne
ASTRONOMY - Nacreous Clouds over Sweden
2025 February 1
Image Credit & Copyright: Vojan Höfer
Explanation: Vivid and lustrous, wafting iridescent waves of color wash across this skyscape from northern Sweden. Known as nacreous clouds or mother-of-pearl clouds, they are rare. But their unforgettable appearance was captured in this snapshot on January 12 with the Sun just below the local horizon. A type of polar stratospheric cloud, they form when unusually cold temperatures in the usually cloudless lower stratosphere form ice crystals. Still sunlit at altitudes of around 15 to 25 kilometers, the clouds diffract the sunlight even when the Sun itself is hidden from direct view.
AERONAUTIQUE - La grande épopée des ballons dirigeables - 2016 : le dirigeable pentalobé ULM de Voliris
ASTRONOMY - The Variable Nebula NGC 2261
2025 January 31
Image Credit & Copyright: Tommy Lease (Denver Astronomical Society)
Explanation: The interstellar cloud of dust and gas captured in this sharp telescopic snapshot is seen to change its appearance noticeably over periods as short as a few weeks. Discovered over 200 years ago and cataloged as NGC 2261, bright star R Monocerotis lies at the tip of the fan-shaped nebula. About one light-year across and 2500 light-years away, NGC 2261 was studied early last century by astronomer Edwin Hubble and the mysterious cosmic cloud is now more famous as Hubble's Variable Nebula. So what makes Hubble's nebula vary? NGC 2261 is composed of a dusty reflection nebula fanning out from the star R Monocerotis. The leading variability explanation holds that dense knots of obscuring dust pass close to R Mon and cast moving shadows across the dust clouds in the rest of Hubble's Variable Nebula.
SANTé/MEDECINE - Alimentation - Il faut absolument éviter les crêpes industrielles - 2/3 -
SANTé/MEDECINE - Alimentation - Il faut absolument éviter les crêpes industrielles - 1/3 -
AERONAUTIQUE - La grande épopée des ballons dirigeables - 2016 : Airlander 50 en vue
ASTRONOMY - Hydrogen Clouds of M33
2025 January 30
Image Credit & Copyright: Pea Mauro
Explanation: Gorgeous spiral galaxy Messier 33 seems to have more than its fair share of glowing hydrogen gas. A prominent member of the local group of galaxies, M33 is also known as the Triangulum Galaxy and lies a mere 3 million light-years away. The galaxy's central 60,000 light-years or so are shown in this sharp galaxy portrait. The portrait features M33's reddish ionized hydrogen clouds or HII regions. Sprawling along loose spiral arms that wind toward the core, M33's giant HII regions are some of the largest known stellar nurseries, sites of the formation of short-lived but very massive stars. Intense ultraviolet radiation from the luminous, massive stars ionizes the surrounding hydrogen gas and ultimately produces the characteristic red glow. In this image, broadband data were combined with narrowband data recorded through a filter that transmits the light of the strongest visible hydrogen and oxygen emission lines.
AERONAUTIQUE - La grande épopée des ballons dirigeables - 2016 : Stratobus relance la filière française du dirigeable
ARCHEOLOGIE - Le trésor de Toutânkhamon - Une tête de félin sacré
Appartenant au fascinant bestiaire des Égyptiens, cette énigmatique tête de félin a été trouvée dans la tombe du roi. Cet objet, doré à l...
2021 May 11 Lightning and Orion Beyond Uluru Image Credit & Copyright: Park Liu Explanation: What's happening behind Uluru? A Un...
2021 January 3 A Phoenix Aurora over Iceland Image Credit & Copyright: Hallgrimur P. Helgason ; Rollover Annotation: Judy Schmidt Ex...