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Steve Cullen - Shadow Rise on the Inside Passage - Astronomy picture of the day - 2018 July 5

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Shadow Rise on the Inside Passage 
Image Credit & CopyrightSteve Cullen
Explanation: At sunset look east not west. As Earth's dark shadow rises from the eastern horizon, faint and subtle colors will appear opposite the setting Sun. This beautiful evening sea and skyscape records the reflective scene from a cruise on the well-traveled Alaskan Inside Passage in the Pacific Northwest. Along the horizon the fading sunset gives way to the the pinkish anti-twilight arch, more poetically known as the Belt of Venus. Often overlooked at sunset in favor of the brighter western horizon, the lovely arch is tinted by filtered sunlight backscattered in the dense atmosphere, hugging the planet's rising blue-grey shadow.

ASTRONOMY - The North America Nebula

2025 January 22 The North America Nebula Image Credit & Copyright:  Dimitris Valianos Explanation:  The  North America nebula  on the sk...