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Science & Technology - Atronomy picture of the day : The Space Station Crosses a Spotless Sun

2019 October 28
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The Space Station Crosses a Spotless Sun 
Image Credit & Copyright: Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau
Explanation: Typically, the International Space Station is visible only at night. Slowly drifting across the night sky as it orbits the Earth, the International Space Station (ISS) can be seen as a bright spot about once a month from many locations. The ISS is then visible only just after sunset or just before sunrise because it shines by reflected sunlight -- once the ISS enters the Earth's shadow, it will drop out of sight. The only occasion when the ISS is visible during the day is when it passes right in front of the Sun. Then, it passes so quickly that only cameras taking short exposures can visually freeze the ISS's silhouette onto the background Sun. The featured picture did exactly that -- it is actually a series of images taken a month ago from Santa FeArgentina with perfect timing. This image series was later combined with a separate image highlighting the texture of the spotless Sun, and an image bringing up the Sun's prominencesaround the edge. At an unusually low Solar Minimum, the Sun has gone without sunspots now for most of 2019.

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