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ASTRONOMY - A Full Circle Rainbow over Norway

 2022 December 27

The featured image shows two complete circular rainbows
centered on a mountainous island. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

A Full Circle Rainbow over Norway
Image Credit & Copyright: Lukas Moesch

Explanation: Have you ever seen an entire rainbow? From the ground, typically, only the top portion of a rainbow is visible because directions toward the ground have fewer raindrops. From the air, though, the entire 360-degree circle of a rainbow is more commonly visible. Pictured here, a full-circle rainbow was captured over the Lofoten Islands of Norway in September by a drone passing through a rain shower. An observer-dependent phenomenon primarily caused by the internal reflection of sunlight by raindrops, the rainbow has a full diameter of 84 degrees. The Sun is in the exact opposite direction from the rainbow's center. As a bonus, a second rainbow that was more faint and color-reversed was visible outside the first.

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