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ASTRONOMY - Leopard Spots on Martian Rocks

 2024 July 31

Part of a large rock on Mars is shown being mostly
orange. On the rock are several irregular light-colored areas
surrounded by a dark border. The spots are only millimeters
across but might carry big implications. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Leopard Spots on Martian Rocks
Image Credit: NASAJPL-CaltechMSSSPerseverance Rover

Explanation: What is creating these unusual spots? Light-colored spots on Martian rocks, each surrounded by a dark border, were discovered earlier this month by NASA's Perseverance Rover currently exploring Mars. Dubbed leopard spots because of their seemingly similarity to markings on famous Earth-bound predators, these curious patterns are being studied with the possibility they were created by ancient Martian life. The pictured spots measure only millimeters across and were discovered on a larger rock named Cheyava Falls. The exciting but unproven speculation is that long ago, microbes generated energy with chemical reactions that turned rock from red to white while leaving a dark ring, like some similarly appearing spots on Earth rocks. Although other non-biological explanations may ultimately prevail, speculation focusing on this potential biological origin is causing much intrigue.

SANTé/MEDECINE - Savoir lire les résultats d'une prise de sang - (1 - b) - Les hématies - En cas d'anomalie

En cas d’anomalie :

Si il y a une augmentation du nombre de globules rouges, il s’agit d’une polyglobulie. Cette anomalie de la production des globules rouges peut provenir de deux mécanismes distincts:

la maladie de Vaquez, due à une anomalie des cellules-souches qui acquièrent des caractéristiques tumorales et qui prolifèrent. Il s’agit d’une maladie rare qui touche l'adulte d'âge moyen et dont l’espérance de vie se situe entre 12 et 15 ans après le diagnostic ;

l’hypoxie, qui consiste en une oxygénation insuffisante des tissus et provoque l’augmentation du taux d’hormone stimulant l’érythropoïèse. L’hypoxie se traduit par des céphalées, des vertiges, des acouphènes et une coloration rouge de la peau. Elle peut résulter de plusieurs facteurs : pneumopathie, cardiopathie congénitale, consommation excessive d’alcool ou de tabac, séjour en haute altitude ou encore port de vêtements trop serrés.



SANTé/MEDECINE - Savoir lire les résultats d'une prise de sang - (1 - a) - Les hématies

Les hématies (hémoglobine)

Les hématies, appelées aussi globules rouges, font partie des éléments figurés du sang. Elles assurent le transport des gaz respiratoires comme le dioxygène (O2) et le dioxyde de carbone (CO2).

Le dosage moyen de globules rouges est de :
4,6 à 6,2 millions / mm3 chez l'homme ;
4,2 à 5,4 millions / mm3 chez la femme.

Un prélèvement sanguin permet de s'en assurer.


ASTRONOMY - Arp 142: Interacting Galaxies from Webb

 2024 July 30

Two large interacting galaxies are shown. The upper
galaxy, has significant internal structure and is curved 
over the lower galaxy which is a featureless oval.  
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Arp 142: Interacting Galaxies from Webb
Image Credit: NASAESACSASTScI; Hubble Rollover Reprocessing & Copyright: Raul Villaverde

Explanation: To some, it looks like a penguin. But to people who study the universe, it is an interesting example of two big galaxies interacting. Just a few hundred million years ago, the upper NGC 2936 was likely a normal spiral galaxy: spinning, creating stars, and minding its own business. Then it got too close to the massive elliptical galaxy NGC 2937, below, and took a dive. Together known as Arp 142, they are featured in this new Webb infrared image, while a visible light Hubble image appears in comparison. NGC 2936 is not only being deflected, but distorted, by this close gravitational interaction. When massive galaxies pass near each other, gas is typically condensed from which new stars form. A young group of stars appears as the nose of the penguin toward the right of the upper galaxy, while in the center of the spiral, bright stars together appear as an eye. Before a billion years, the two galaxies will likely merge into one larger galaxy.


SANTé/MEDECINE - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek - pionnier de l'observation microscopique

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek est un naturaliste hollandais (1632-1723) qui fabriquait lui-même des microscopes. En 1674, il décrit pour la première fois des globules rouges du sang. En 1675, il découvre les protozoaires ciliés, appelés « animalcules ». En 1677, il découvre les spermatozoïdes dans le sperme humain et en 1680 devient membre de la Société royale de Londres.

ASTRONOMY - Milky Way over Uluru

Milky Way over Uluru
Image Credit & Copyright: Max Inwood

Explanation: What's happening above Uluru? A United Nations World Heritage SiteUluru is an extraordinary 350-meter high mountain in central Australia that rises sharply from nearly flat surroundings. Composed of sandstone, Uluru has slowly formed over the past 300 million years as softer rock eroded away. The Uluru region has been a home to humans for over 22,000 years. Recorded last month, the starry sky above Uluru includes the central band of our Milky Way galaxy, complete with complex dark filaments of dust, bright red emission nebulas, and billions of stars.

2024 July 29


INVENTIONS DE DEMAIN - Le vaccin qui vous fera écraser


Un vaccin aidera-t-il les fumeurs à écraser ? Trois sociétés pharmaceutiques ont commencé les essais cliniques d’un vaccin antinicotine. Celui de la société américaine Nabi Pharmaceuticals est le plus avancé. Le NicVAX stimulerait la production d’anticorps qui se lieraient dans le sang à la nicotine et empêcheraient celle-ci de se rendre au cerveau, diminuant ainsi la dépendance du fumeur. Les résultats, pour l’instant, sont comparables à ceux des substituts nicotiniques.



 2024 July 28

Sun Dance
Video Credit: NASASDOProcessing: Alan Watson via Helioviewer

Explanation: Sometimes, the surface of our Sun seems to dance. In the middle of 2012, for example, NASA's Sun-orbiting Solar Dynamic Observatory spacecraft imaged an impressive prominence that seemed to perform a running dive roll like an acrobatic dancer. The dramatic explosion was captured in ultraviolet light in the featured time-lapse video covering about three hours. A looping magnetic field directed the flow of hot plasma on the Sun. The scale of the dancing prominence is huge -- the entire Earth would easily fit under the flowing arch of hot gas. A quiescent prominence typically lasts about a month and may erupt in a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), expelling hot gas into the Solar System. The energy mechanism that creates a solar prominence is still a topic of research. Like in 2012, this year the Sun's surface is again quite active and features many filaments and prominences.


ASTRONOMY - Saturn at the Moon's Edge

 2024 July 27

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

Saturn at the Moon's Edge
Image Credit & CopyrightChengcheng Xu

Explanation: Saturn now rises before midnight in planet Earth's sky. On July 24, the naked-eye planet was in close conjunction, close on the sky, to a waning gibbous Moon. But from some locations on planet Earth the ringed gas giant was occulted, disappearing behind the Moon for about an hour from skies over parts of Asia and Africa. Because the Moon and bright planets wander through the sky near the ecliptic plane, such occultation events are not uncommon, but they can be dramatic. In this telescopic view from Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, Saturn is caught moments before its disappearance behind the lunar disk. The snapshot gives the illusion that Saturn hangs just above Glushko crater, a 43 kilometer diameter, young, ray crater near the Moon's western edge. Of course, the Moon is 400 thousand kilometers away, compared to Saturn's distance of 1.4 billion kilometers.


SANTé/MEDECINE - Gregory Pincus : créateur de la pilule contraceptive

Gregory Pincus est un endocrinologue américain, né le 9 avril 1903 dans le New Jersey et décédé à Boston le 22 août 1967. Il a travaillé sur les propriétés des stéroïdes dans la fertilité et mis au point la première pilule contraceptive en 1956 ; celle-ci sera mise sur le marché en 1960. L'invention de la pilule contraceptive s'inscrit dans le contexte d'un vaste mouvement féministe aux États-Unis.

© Matthew Bowden, OTRS

ASTRONOMY - Facing NGC 6946

 2024 July 26

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

Facing NGC 6946
Image Credit & CopyrightRoberto Marinoni

Explanation: From our vantage point in the Milky Way Galaxy, we see NGC 6946 face-on. The big, beautiful spiral galaxy is located just 20 million light-years away, behind a veil of foreground dust and stars in the high and far-off constellation Cepheus. In this sharp telescopic portrait, from the core outward the galaxy's colors change from the yellowish light of old stars in the center to young blue star clusters and reddish star forming regions along the loose, fragmented spiral arms. NGC 6946 is also bright in infrared light and rich in gas and dust, exhibiting a high star birth and death rate. In fact, since the early 20th century ten confirmed supernovae, the death explosions of massive stars, were discovered in NGC 6946. Nearly 40,000 light-years across, NGC 6946 is also known as the Fireworks Galaxy.


SANTé/MEDECINE - Louis Pasteur - père de la vaccination

Louis Pasteur, né à Dole (Jura) le 27 décembre 1822, est un scientifique français, chimiste et physicien de formation, pionnier de la microbiologie et père de la vaccination. Il est connu pour ses travaux sur la fermentation, sur les maladies du vin (travaux à l'origine de la technique de pasteurisation) et pour avoir réfuté la théorie de la génération spontanée. Il est également célèbre pour avoir mis au point le premier vaccin antirabique. Il est décédé à Marnes-la-Coquette le 28 septembre 1895.

© Félix Nadar, CCO

INVENTIONS DE DEMAIN - Ressentez la peur du héros

Le son et l’image plongent les mordus de cinéma au cœur de l’action. Les ingénieurs de la société néerlandaise Philips vont encore plus loin : ils veulent mettre à contribution le sens du toucher des cinéphiles en leur faisant ressentir physiquement les émotions des personnages, grâce à une « veste émotionnelle » bardée de capteurs. L’héroïne est angoissée ? La veste se contracte légèrement pour vous oppresser. Elle a l’estomac noué ? Vous aussi, quand la veste vous serre à cet endroit. Difficile pour l’instant de savoir si elle sera destinée au marché des cinémas ou… des cinémas maison.

(Capital Photos/Frank van Beek)

ASTRONOMY - NGC 7023: The Iris Nebula

2024 July 25
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

NGC 7023: The Iris Nebula
Image Credit & CopyrightRobert Shepherd

Explanation: These cosmic clouds have blossomed 1,300 light-years away in the fertile starfields of the constellation Cepheus. Called the Iris Nebula, NGC 7023 is not the only nebula to evoke the imagery of flowers. Still, this deep telescopic image shows off the Iris Nebula's range of colors and symmetries embedded in surrounding fields of interstellar dust. Within the Iris itself, dusty nebular material surrounds a hot, young star. The dominant color of the brighter reflection nebula is blue, characteristic of dust grains reflecting starlight. Central filaments of the reflection nebula glow with a faint reddish photoluminescence as some dust grains effectively convert the star's invisible ultraviolet radiation to visible red light. Infrared observations indicate that this nebula contains complex carbon molecules known as PAHs. The dusty blue petals of the Iris Nebula span about six light-years. 


ASTRONOMY - Exaggerated Moon

2024 July 24
Earth's Moon is shown with the heights of surface
features all greatly exaggerated. Also, the colors of the
Moon have been exaggerated so areas of blue and red are
more easily seen. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Exaggerated Moon
Credit: Data: NASALunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter; Image & Processing: Ildar Ibatullin

Explanation: Our Moon doesn't really have craters this big. Earth's Moon, Luna, also doesn't naturally show this spikey texture, and its colors are more subtle. But this digital creation is based on reality. The featured image is a digital composite of a good Moon image and surface height data taken from NASA's Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) mission -- and then exaggerated for educational understanding. The digital enhancements, for example, accentuate lunar highlands and show more clearly craters that illustrate the tremendous bombardment our Moon has been through during its 4.6-billion-year history. The dark areas, called maria, have fewer craters and were once seas of molten lava. Additionally, the image colors, although based on the moon's real composition, are changed and exaggerated. Here, a blue hue indicates a region that is iron rich, while orange indicates a slight excess of aluminum. Although the Moon has shown the same side to the Earth for billions of years, modern technology is allowing humanity to learn much more about it -- and how it affects the Earth


SANTé/MEDECINE - Alexander Fleming - découvreur de la pénicilline

Né le 6 août 1881 à Lochfield, en Écosse, et mort le 11 mars 1955 à Londres, Alexander Fleming est connu pour avoir découvert la pénicilline en 1928, raison pour laquelle il obtint le prix Nobel de médecine en 1945. Cette découverte majeure s'est faite un peu par hasard : Alexander Fleming avait laissé son laboratoire quelque temps et à son retour il s'est aperçu que ses boîtes de staphylocoques étaient couvertes de champignons Pénicillium notatum. Mais à certains endroits, les staphylocoques ne s'étaient pas développés à cause de la présence de l'antibiotique fabriqué par le champignon.

© 1Veertje CCO

ASTRONOMY - The Crab Nebula from visible to X-Ray

 2024 July 23

A multi-colored nebula is shown that is the expanding
remnant of an exploded star. The central white and purple
colors show X-ray light, while the outer red and blue colors
show visible light. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

The Crab Nebula from Visible to X-Ray
Image Credit: NASAESAASIHubbleChandraIXPE

Explanation: What powers the Crab Nebula? A city-sized magnetized neutron star spinning around 30 times a second. Known as the Crab Pulsar, it is the bright spot in the center of the gaseous swirl at the nebula's core. About 10 light-years across, the spectacular picture of the Crab Nebula (M1) frames a swirling central disk and complex filaments of surrounding and expanding glowing gas. The picture combines visible light from the Hubble Space Telescope in red and blue with X-ray light from the Chandra X-ray Observatory shown in white, and diffuse X-ray emission detected by Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) in diffuse purple. The central pulsar powers the Crab Nebula's emission and expansion by slightly slowing its spin rate, which drives out a wind of energetic electrons. The featured image released today, the 25th Anniversary of the launch of NASA's flagship-class X-ray Observatory: Chandra.


INVENTIONS DE DEMAIN - Rouler...Puis s'envoler

Le rêve que les humains caressent depuis près de 100 ans deviendra peut-être réalité avec la Transition, de la société américaine Terrafugia, première voiture volante autorisée par l’aviation civile, en 2010. Prix annoncé : 200 000 dollars. Environ 80 voitures auraient déjà été réservées. (Photo : Terrafugia)


ASTRONOMY - Chamaeleon Dark Nebulas

 2024 July 22

The featured image shows a dark nebula complex involving
thick dust appearing brown and making a big

Chamaeleon Dark Nebulas
Image Credit & Copyright: Chang Lee

Explanation: Sometimes the dark dust of interstellar space has an angular elegance. Such is the case toward the far-south constellation of Chamaeleon. Normally too faint to see, dark dust is best known for blocking visible light from stars and galaxies behind it. In this 36.6-hour exposure, however, the dust is seen mostly in light of its own, with its strong red and near-infrared colors creating a brown hue. Contrastingly blue, the bright star Beta Chamaeleontis is visible on the upper right, with the dust that surrounds it preferentially reflecting blue light from its primarily blue-white color. All of the pictured stars and dust occur in our own Milky Way Galaxy with one notable exception: the white spot just below Beta Chamaeleontis is the galaxy IC 3104 which lies far in the distance. Interstellar dust is mostly created in the cool atmospheres of giant stars and dispersed into space by stellar light, stellar winds, and stellar explosions such as supernovas.

SANTé/MEDECINE - Karl Landsteiner : découvreur des groupes sanguins

Karl Landsteiner est un médecin autrichien né à Vienne en 1868 et qui a décrit le système ABO des groupes sanguins en 1901. Il a également travaillé sur la poliomyélite et la syphilis. Il est lauréat du prix Nobel de Physiologie ou Médecine en 1930, pour ses travaux sur les groupes sanguins. Il est décédé en 1943, alors qu'il était chercheur à l'institut Rockefeller.

© Kilom691, CC BY-SA 3.0


INVENTIONS DE DEMAIN - Twitter par la pensée

Des chercheurs de l’Université du Wisconsin ont réussi à écrire un message sur Twitter uniquement par la pensée, en se concentrant sur des lettres apparaissant sur un écran. Objectif : concevoir des « prothèses neurales », qui permettront à des personnes handicapées de communiquer par ordinateur ou de piloter leur fauteuil roulant au moyen de la pensée. (Photo : Université du Wisconsin)


ASTRONOMY - King of Wings Hoodoo under the Milky Way

 2024 July 21

The band of the Milky Way runs across a night sky filled 
with stars. Colorful clouds are on the right horizon. A strange
rock structure appears in the image center with a base and 
an extended arm that seems to point to the colorful horizon.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

King of Wings Hoodoo under the Milky Way
Image Credit & Copyright: Wayne Pinkston (LightCrafter Photography)

Explanation: This rock structure is not only surreal -- it's real. Perhaps the reason it's not more famous is that it is smaller than one might guess: the capstone rock overhangs only a few meters. Even so, the King of Wings outcrop, located in New MexicoUSA, is a fascinating example of an unusual type of rock structure called a hoodooHoodoos may form when a layer of hard rock overlays a layer of eroding softer rock. Figuring out the details of incorporating this hoodoo into a night-sky photoshoot took over a year. Besides waiting for a suitably picturesque night behind a sky with few clouds, the foreground had to be artificially lit just right relative to the natural glow of the background. After much planning and waiting, the final shot, featured here, was taken in May 2016. Mimicking the horizontal bar, the background sky features the band of our Milky Way Galaxy stretching overhead.


SANTé/MEDECINE - René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec : inventeur du stéthoscope

René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laennec (Laenneg en breton), né le 17 février 1781 à Quimper, est un médecin français, nommé à l'hôpital Necker à Paris en 1816. S'intéressant aux maladies pulmonaires, il a mis au point un nouvel outil pour mieux écouter les sons dans le thorax : ce sera le stéthoscope. Il est l'auteur d'un Traité de l'auscultation médiate, paru en 1819, où il décrit les bruits du thorax.

© Lidor, CC BY-NC 2.0

ASTRONOMY - Apollo 11 Landing Panorama

 2024 July 20

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

Apollo 11 Landing Panorama
Image Credit: Neil ArmstrongApollo 11NASA

Explanation: Have you seen a panorama from another world lately? Assembled from high-resolution scans of the original film frames, this one sweeps across the magnificent desolation of the Apollo 11 landing site on the Moon's Sea of Tranquility. The images were taken 55 years ago by Neil Armstrong looking out his window on the Eagle Lunar Module shortly after the July 20, 1969 landing. The frame at the far left (AS11-37-5449) is the first picture taken by a person on another world. Thruster nozzles can be seen in the foreground on the left (toward the south), while at the right (west), the shadow of the Eagle is visible. For scale, the large, shallow crater on the right has a diameter of about 12 meters. Frames taken from the Lunar Module windows about an hour and a half after landing, before walking on the lunar surface, were intended to document the landing site in case an early departure was necessary.


INVENTIONS DE DEMAIN - Le téléphone de fiston sur écoute


Vous aimeriez bien savoir ce que fiston trafique avec son cellulaire ? À qui votre conjoint parlait tout bas, à 2 h la nuit dernière ? La société américaine Taser, connue pour ses pistolets électriques, a inventé une application qui permet de transférer par satellite sur votre propre téléphone tous les messages ou photos qui entrent dans un autre appareil et en sortent, en plus de localiser celui-ci à tout instant. 

Le Mobile Protector aidera les parents à protéger leurs enfants, croit Taser.


ASTRONOMY - Anticrepuscular Rays at the Planet Festival

 2024 July 19

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

Anticrepuscular Rays at the Planet Festival
Image Credit & Copyright: Pavel Gabzdyl

Explanation: For some, these subtle bands of light and shadow stretched across the sky as the Sun set on July 11. Known as anticrepuscular rays, the bands are formed as a large cloud bank near the western horizon cast long shadows through the atmosphere at sunset. Due to the camera's perspective, the bands of light and shadow seem to converge toward the eastern (opposite) horizon at a point seen just above a 14th century hilltop castle near Brno, Czech Republic. In the foreground, denizens of planet Earth are enjoying the region's annual Planet Festival in the park below the Brno Observatory and Planetarium. And while crepuscular and anticrepuscular rays are a relatively common atmospheric phenomenon, this festival's 10 meter diameter inflatable spheres representing bodies of the Solar System are less often seen on planet Earth.


MUSIC - Bizet - L'Arlesienne - Suite n° 2 - Farandole


ASTRONOMY - Messier 24: Sagittarius Star Cloud

 2024 July 18

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

Messier 24: Sagittarius Star Cloud
Image Credit & Copyright: Christopher Freeburn

Explanation: Unlike most entries in Charles Messier's famous catalog of deep sky objects, M24 is not a bright galaxy, star cluster, or nebula. It's a gap in nearby, obscuring interstellar dust clouds that allows a view of the distant stars in the Sagittarius spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy. Direct your gaze through this gap with binoculars or small telescope and you are looking through a window over 300 light-years wide at stars some 10,000 light-years or more from Earth. Sometimes called the Small Sagittarius Star Cloud, M24's luminous stars are left of center in this gorgeous starscape. Covering over 6 degrees or the width of 12 full moons in the constellation Sagittarius, the telescopic field of view includes dark markings B92 and B93 near the center of M24, along with other clouds of dust and glowing nebulae toward the center of the Milky Way.


SANTé/MEDECINE - Robert Koch découvreur du bacille de la tuberculose

Robert Koch est un médecin allemand, né le 11 décembre 1843 à Clausthal, en Basse-Saxe, formé à Göttingen. Il s'intéresse aux microbes et à la bactériologie, les observe et les met en culture. En 1876, il démontre que Bacillus anthrax est l'agent du charbon et découvre en 1882 la bactérie Mycobacterium tuberculosis, vecteur de la tuberculose, aussi appelée bacille de Koch. En 1883, il met en évidence le vecteur du choléra : Vibrio cholerae. Il est lauréat du prix Nobel de médecine en 1905.

© Yale Rosen, CC BY-SA 2.0

ASTRONOMY - Villarrica Volcano Against the Sky

 2024 July 17

Villarrica Volcano Against the Sky
Video Credit & Copyright: Gabriel Muñoz; Text: Natalia Lewandowska (SUNY Oswego)

Explanation: When Vulcan, the Roman god of fire, swings his blacksmith's hammer, the sky is lit on fire. A recent eruption of Chile's Villarrica volcano shows the delicate interplay between this fire -- actually glowing steam and ash from melted rock -- and the light from distant stars in our Milky Way galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds galaxies. In the featured timelapse video, the Earth rotates under the stars as Villarrica erupts. With about 1350 volcanoes, our planet Earth rivals Jupiter's moon Io as the most geologically active place in the Solar System. While both have magnificent beauty, the reasons for the existence of volcanoes on both worlds are different. Earth's volcanoes typically occur between slowly shifting outer shell plates, while Io's volcanoes are caused by gravitational flexing resulting from Jupiter's tidal gravitational pull.


MUSIC - Beethoven - Sonate au clair de lune

"Sonate au clair de lune"

ASTRONOMY - Cometary Globules

 2024 July 16

A starfield is shown featuring many pillars of interstellar
gas and dust, mostly in the center. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Cometary Globules
Image Credit & Copyright: Mark Hanson & Martin PughObservatorio El Sauce

Explanation: What are these unusual interstellar structures? Bright-rimmed, flowing shapes gather near the center of this rich starfield toward the borders of the nautical southern constellations Pupis and Vela. Composed of interstellar gas and dust, the grouping of light-year sized cometary globules is about 1300 light-years distant. Energetic ultraviolet light from nearby hot stars has molded the globules and ionized their bright rims. The globules also stream away from the Vela supernova remnant which may have influenced their swept-back shapes. Within them, cores of cold gas and dust are likely collapsing to form low mass stars, whose formation will ultimately cause the globules to disperse. In fact, cometary globule CG 30 (on the upper left) sports a small reddish glow near its head, a telltale sign of energetic jets from a star in the early stages of formation.


ASTRONOMY - The Tadpole Galaxy from Hubble

 2024 July 15

A spiral galaxy is shown on the upper left with a really
long tail of stars and blue-glowing gas trailing to the 
lower left. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

The Tadpole Galaxy from Hubble
Image Credit: Hubble Legacy ArchiveESANASAProcessing: Harshwardhan Pathak

Explanation: Why does this galaxy have such a long tail? In this stunning vista, based on image data from the Hubble Legacy Archive, distant galaxies form a dramatic backdrop for disrupted spiral galaxy Arp 188, the Tadpole Galaxy. The cosmic tadpole is a mere 420 million light-years distant toward the northern constellation of the Dragon (Draco). Its eye-catching tail is about 280 thousand light-years long and features massive, bright blue star clusters. One story goes that a more compact intruder galaxy crossed in front of Arp 188 - from right to left in this view - and was slung around behind the Tadpole by their gravitational attraction. During the close encounter, tidal forces drew out the spiral galaxy's stars, gas, and dust forming the spectacular tail. The intruder galaxy itself, estimated to lie about 300 thousand light-years behind the Tadpole, can be seen through foreground spiral arms at the upper right. Following its terrestrial namesake, the Tadpole Galaxy will likely lose its tail as it grows older, the tail's star clusters forming smaller satellites of the large spiral galaxy.


ASTRONOMY - Meteor Misses Galaxy

 2024 July 14

A distant spiral galaxy is seen in the image center.
A multi-colored streak runs diagonally across the image
from the upper left to the lower right. Parts of this
streak have gas near it. The background is dark field
filled with stars. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Meteor Misses Galaxy
Credit & Copyright: Aman Chokshi

Explanation: The galaxy was never in danger. For one thing, the Triangulum galaxy (M33), pictured, is much bigger than the tiny grain of rock at the head of the meteor. For another, the galaxy is much farther away -- in this instance 3 million light years as opposed to only about 0.0003 light seconds. Even so, the meteor's path took it angularly below the galaxy. Also the wind high in Earth's atmosphere blew the meteor's glowing evaporative molecule train away from the galaxy, in angular projection. Still, the astrophotographer was quite lucky to capture both a meteor and a galaxy in a single exposure -- which was subsequently added to two other images of M33 to bring up the spiral galaxy's colors. At the end, the meteor was gone in a second, but the galaxy will last billions of years.

SANTé/MEDECINE - John Dalton et la première description du daltonisme

John Dalton est un physicien et chimiste britannique né le 6 septembre 1766 à Eaglesfield et mort à Manchester le 27 juillet 1844. Il s'intéresse à la météorologie et à la chimie et est connu pour sa théorie atomique. John Dalton s'aperçoit à l'âge adulte qu'il ne perçoit pas certaines couleurs et décrit ce phénomène qui sera appelé « daltonisme ». Son frère souffre du même problème de vision des couleurs.

© Patrick.lynch, CC by-sa 3.0


ASTRONOMY - Noctilucent Clouds over Florida

 2024 July 9

A dawn sky is shown that is black at the top and brown near the 
horizon. Wispy clouds converge on the right turning from a white to a
blue hue. Near the apex of this convergence is a crescent moon. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Noctilucent Clouds over Florida
Credit & Copyright: Pascal Fouquet

Explanation: These clouds are doubly unusual. First, they are rare noctilucent clouds, meaning that they are visible at night -- but only just before sunrise or just after sunset. Second, the source of these noctilucent clouds is actually known. In this rare case, the source of the sunlight-reflecting ice-crystals in the upper atmosphere can be traced back to the launch of a nearby SpaceX rocket about 30 minutes earlier. Known more formally as polar mesospheric clouds, the vertex of these icy wisps happens to converge just in front of a rising crescent Moon. The featured image -- and accompanying video -- were captured over OrlandoFloridaUSA about a week ago. The bright spot to the right of the Moon is the planet Jupiter, while the dotted lights above the horizon on the right are from an airplane.


SANTé/MEDECINE - Christiaan Barnard premier chirurgien à greffer un cœur

Christiaan Barnard est né le 8 novembre 1922, à Beaufort West (Afrique du Sud) et décédé le 2 septembre 2001. Il est marqué par la mort d'un de ses frères, à l'âge de 5 ans, d'une maladie cardiaque, ce qui serait à l'origine de sa vocation. Le 3 décembre 1967, il dirige l'équipe qui réalise la première greffe cardiaque au Cap.

© Bryan Brandenburg CC BY-SA 3.0


SANTé/MEDECINE - Sigmund Freud, fondateur de la psychanalyse

Né le 6 mai 1856 à Freiberg, en Moravie (actuelle République Tchèque), Sigmund Freud obtient son doctorat de médecine en 1881 et s'intéresse à la neurologie. Il suit en France les cours de Charcot, à la Pitié-Salpétrière. De retour à Vienne, en Autriche, il s'installe comme médecin et traite les maladies nerveuses. Il décrit le concept d'inconscient, la notion de refoulement, le complexe d'Œdipe, s'intéresse à la signification des rêves et pose les fondements de la psychanalyse.

© Ferdinand Schmutzer, DP


NUCLEAIRE - LES DANGERS - Définition des déchets nucléaires

Les déchets nucléaires appelés également déchets radioactifs sont des résidus provenant des centres nucléaires de production d’électricité à chaque cycle de la filière. D’après un documentaire intitulé Déchets, le cauchemar du nucléaire, des détritus provenant des centrales nucléaires sont recyclés en théorie à 10 % alors qu’en réalité seulement 1,5 % des déchets sont recyclés. Le reportage passionnant sur les déchets radioactifs révèle également que 13 % des déchets radioactifs de la France sont stockés en plein air en Sibérie dans une ville interdite d’accès.

Par définition, le déchet nucléaire d’après est un déchet provenant d’une zone de contrôle radiologique où y sont manipulées des matières radioactives. Pour limiter au maximum les dangers des déchets nucléaires à l’organisme, ils doivent faire l’objet d’un contrôle radiologique important. Si l’examen des déchets radioactifs ne présente pas de risque, ils peuvent être libérés puis être traités de la même manière que les déchets industriels.



SANTé/MEDECINE - Luc Montagnier - découvreur du VIH

Né le 18 août 1932 à Chabris, Luc Montagnier est un virologue français. Il est colauréat en 2008, avec Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, du Prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine, pour leur découverte en 1983 du VIH, le virus responsable du Sida. Il est également membre de l'académie des sciences et de médecine et professeur émérite à l'Institut Pasteur. Il poursuit des recherches en Chine.

© Prolineserver GFDL

ASTRONOMY - Exoplanet Zoo: Other Stars

 2024 July 8

A graphic illustrates hundreds of possible exoplanets,
with blue drawings of planets in the middle, red on the right,
and tan on the left. Some exoplanets are drawn with rings.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Exoplanet Zoo: Other Stars
Illustration Credit & Copyright: Martin Vargic, Halcyon Maps

Explanation: Do other stars have planets like our Sun? Surely they do, and evidence includes slight star wobbles created by the gravity of orbiting exoplanets and slight star dimmings caused by orbiting planets moving in front. In all, there have now been over 5,500 exoplanets discovered, including thousands by NASA's space-based Kepler and TESS missions, and over 100 by ESO's ground-based HARPS instrument. Featured here is an illustrated guess as to what some of these exoplanets might look like. Neptune-type planets occupy the middle and are colored blue because of blue-scattering atmospheric methane they might contain. On the sides of the illustration, Jupiter-type planets are shown, colored tan and red from the scatterings of atmospheric gases that likely include small amounts of carbon. Interspersed are many Earth-type rocky planets of many colors. As more exoplanets are discovered and investigated, humanity is developing a better understanding of how common Earth-like planets are, and how common life might be in the universe.


ASTRONOMY - Iridescent Clouds over Sweden

 2024 July 7

A landscape shows the sky above, shallow water in front,
and hills to the right. The sunset sky is filled with
beautifully multicolored clouds. These clouds are clearly
reflected by the calm water in front. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Iridescent Clouds over Sweden
Image Credit: Goran Strand

Explanation: Why are these clouds multi-colored? A relatively rare phenomenon in clouds known as iridescence can bring up unusual colors vividly -- or even a whole spectrum of colors simultaneously. These polar stratospheric clouds also, known as nacreous and mother-of-pearl clouds, are formed of small water droplets of nearly uniform size. When the Sun is in the right position and, typically, hidden from direct view, these thin clouds can be seen significantly diffracting sunlight in a nearly coherent manner, with different colors being deflected by different amounts. Therefore, different colors will come to the observer from slightly different directions. Many clouds start with uniform regions that could show iridescence but quickly become too thick, too mixed, or too angularly far from the Sun to exhibit striking colors. The featured image and an accompanying video were taken late in 2019 over OstersundSweden.


ASTRONOMY - NGC 7789: Caroline's Rose

2024 July 6
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

NGC 7789: Caroline's Rose
Image Credit & CopyrightMassimo Di Fusco

Explanation: Found among the rich starfields of the Milky Way, star cluster NGC 7789 lies about 8,000 light-years away toward the constellation Cassiopeia. A late 18th century deep sky discovery of astronomer Caroline Lucretia Herschel, the cluster is also known as Caroline's Rose. Its visual appearance in small telescopes, created by the cluster's complex of stars and voids, is suggestive of nested rose petals. Now estimated to be 1.6 billion years young, the galactic or open cluster of stars also shows its age. All the stars in the cluster were likely born at the same time, but the brighter and more massive ones have more rapidly exhausted the hydrogen fuel in their cores. These have evolved from main sequence stars like the Sun into the many red giant stars shown with a yellowish cast in this color composite. Using measured color and brightness, astronomers can model the mass and hence the age of the cluster stars just starting to "turn off" the main sequence and become red giants. Over 50 light-years across, Caroline's Rose spans about half a degree (the angular size of the Moon) near the center of the sharp telescopic image


ASTRONOMY - Mount Etna Milky Way

 2024 July 5

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

Mount Etna Milky Way
Image Credit & CopyrightGianni TuminoExplanation: A glow from the summit of Mount Etna, famous active stratovolcano of planet Earth, stands out along the horizon in this mountain and night skyscape. Bands of diffuse light from congeries of innumerable stars along the Milky Way galaxy stretch across the sky above. In silhouette, the Milky Way's massive dust clouds are clumped along the galactic plane. But also familiar to northern skygazers are bright stars Deneb, Vega, and Altair, the Summer Triangle straddling dark nebulae and luminous star clouds poised over the volcanic peak. The deep combined exposures also reveal the light of active star forming regions along the Milky Way, echoing Etna's ruddy hue in the northern hemisphere summer's night.


SANTé/MEDECINE - A la découverte de l'oreille - L'oreille externe

L'oreille externe comprend le pavillon qui entoure le canal qui mène au tympan. Dans l'oreille moyenne se trouvent les osselets (marteau, enclume, étrier), les plus petits os du corps. L'oreille interne ou labyrinthe comprend le limaçon (ou cochlée).

© Iain

SANTé/MEDECINE - Le râle agonique - À quoi ressemble-t-il ?

Le râle agonique peut se manifester sous différentes formes et intensités. Il peut ressembler à un léger gargouillement, un bruit humide et ...