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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est ASTRONOMY - A SAR Arc from New Zealand. Afficher tous les articles


ASTRONOMY - A SAR Arc from New Zealand

 2024 January 3

A flat landscape with a pond is imaged at night below
a starfield. A multicolored aurora is seen in an arc across
 the image center. Around this arc is another red arc that
is particularly smooth. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

A SAR Arc from New Zealand
Image Credit & Copyright: Tristian McDonald; Text: Tiffany Lewis (Michigan Tech U.)

Explanation: What is that unusual red halo surrounding this aurora? It is a Stable Auroral Red (SAR) arc. SAR arcs are rare and have only been acknowledged and studied since 1954. The featured wide-angle photograph, capturing nearly an entire SAR arc surrounding more common green and red aurora, was taken earlier this month from PoolburnNew Zealand, during an especially energetic geomagnetic storm. Why SAR arcs form remains a topic of research, but is likely related to Earth's protective magnetic field, a field created by molten iron flowing deep inside the Earth. This magnetic field usually redirects incoming charged particles from the Sun's wind toward the Earth's poles. However, it also traps a ring of ions closer to the equator, where they can gain energy from the magnetosphere during high solar activity. The energetic electrons in this ion ring can collide with and excite oxygen higher in Earth's ionosphere than typical auroras, causing the oxygen to glow red. Ongoing research has uncovered evidence that a red SAR arc can even transform into a purple and green STEVE.

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