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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est ASTRONOMY - All Sky Moon Shadow. Afficher tous les articles


ASTRONOMY - All Sky Moon Shadow

 2024 April 27

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All Sky Moon Shadow
Image Credit & Copyright: Tunc Tezel (TWAN)

Explanation: If the Sun is up but the sky is dark and the horizon is bright all around, you might be standing in the Moon's shadow during a total eclipse of the Sun. In fact, the all-sky Moon shadow shown in this composited panoramic view was captured from a farm near Shirley, Arkansas, planet Earth. The exposures were made under clear skies during the April 8 total solar eclipse. For that location near the center line of the Moon's shadow track, totality lasted over 4 minutes. Along with the solar corona surrounding the silhouette of the Moon planets and stars were visible during the total eclipse phase. Easiest to see here are bright planets Venus and Jupiter, to the lower right and upper left of the eclipsed Sun.

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