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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est ASTRONOMY - Comet G3 ATLAS Disintegrates. Afficher tous les articles


ASTRONOMY - Comet G3 ATLAS Disintegrates

2025 February 2
A series of comet images is shown. On the far left the 
image shows Comet G3 ATLAS with a bright central concentration
at its head near the bottom of the frame. By the far right,
this central concentration is nearly gone.  
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Comet G3 ATLAS Disintegrates
Image Credit: Lionel Majzik

Explanation: What's happening to Comet G3 ATLAS? After passing near the Sun in mid-January, the head of the comet has become dimmer and dimmer. By late January, Comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) had become a headless wonder -- even though it continued to show impressive tails after sunset in the skies of Earth's Southern Hemisphere. Pictured are images of Comet G3 ATLAS on successive January nights taken from Río HurtadoChile. Clearly, the comet's head is brighter and more centrally condensed on the earlier days (left) than on later days (right). A key reason is likely that the comet's nucleus of ice and rock, at the head's center, has fragmented. Comet G3 ATLAS passed well inside the orbit of planet Mercury when at its solar closest, a distance that where heat destroys many comets. Some of comet G3 ATLAS' scattering remains will continue to orbit the Sun

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