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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est ASTRONOMY - Diamond Dust Sky Eye. Afficher tous les articles


ASTRONOMY - Diamond Dust Sky Eye

2024 December 25
A snow covered road goes up a hill to a sky filled with
stars. Arcs and halos in the sky ahead appear similar to a giant
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Diamond Dust Sky Eye
Image Credit & Copyright: Jaroslav Fous

Explanation: Why is there a huge eye in the sky? Diamond dust. That is an informal term for small ice crystals that form in the air and flitter to the ground. Because these crystals are geometrically shaped, they can together reflect light from the Sun or Moon to your eyes in a systematic way, causing huge halos and unusual arcs to appear. And sometimes, together the result can seem like a giant eye looking right back at you. In the featured image taken in the Ore Mountains of the Czech Republic last week, a bright Moon rising through ice fog-filled air resulted in many of these magnificent sky illusions to be visible simultaneously. Besides Moon dogstangent arcshalos, and a parhelic circlelight pillars above distant lights are visible on the far left, while Jupiter and Mars can be found just inside the bottom of the 22-degree halo

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