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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est ASTRONOMY - Swirling Magnetic Field around Our Galaxy's Central Black Hole. Afficher tous les articles


ASTRONOMY - Swirling Magnetic Field around Our Galaxy's Central Black Hole

 2024 April 1

A donut-shaped orange figure is seen with lines
extending along the emission in a swirling pattern.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Swirling Magnetic Field around Our Galaxy's Central Black Hole
Image Credit: EHT Collaboration

Explanation: What's happening to the big black hole in the center of our galaxy? It is sucking in matter from a swirling disk -- a disk that is magnetized, it has now been confirmed. Specifically, the black hole's accretion disk has recently been seen to emit polarized light, radiation frequently associated with a magnetized sourcePictured here is a close-up of Sgr A*, our Galaxy's central black hole, taken by radio telescopes around the world participating in the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration. Superposed are illustrative curved lines indicating polarized light likely emitted from swirling magnetized gas that will soon fall into the 4+ million mass central black hole. The central part of this image is likely dark because little light-emitting gas is visible between us and the dark event horizon of the black hole. Continued EHT monitoring of this and M87's central black hole may yield new clues about the gravity of black holes and how infalling matter creates disks and jets.

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