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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est ASTRONOMY - Twilight in a Flower. Afficher tous les articles


ASTRONOMY - Twilight in a Flower

 2023 May 6

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Twilight in a Flower
Image Credit & Copyright: Dario Giannobile

Explanation: Transformed into the petals of a flower, 16 exposures show the passage of day into night in this creative timelapse skyscape. Start at the top and move counterclockwise to follow consecutive moments as the twilight sky turns an ever darker blue and night blossoms. Each exposure was recorded on the evening of April 22, calculated to maintain a consistent balance of light and color. Close to the western horizon on that date, a crescent Moon and Venus are the two brightest celestial beacons. Petal to petal the pair spiral closer to the flower's center. In silhouette around the center of the twilight flower are Sicily's megalithic rocks of Argimusco.

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