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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Martha Schaefer. Afficher tous les articles


Martha Schaefer, Brad Schaefer, Jim Stamm; Music & License : Picture Rocks Sun Dagger (Science & Technology - Astronomy picture of the day)

2020 August 5
Picture Rocks Sun Dagger
Video Credit & Copyright: Martha Schaefer, Brad Schaefer, Jim Stamm; Music & LicenseAwakening (Wojciech Usarewicz), Lone Tree Music
Explanation: Ancient sun daggers will not hurt you, but they may tell you the time.  A sun dagger is a dagger-shaped gap in a shadow created by sunlight streaming through a crevice in a nearby rock. Starting over a thousand year ago, native people of the American southwest carved spiral petroglyphs into rocks that became illuminated by sun daggers in different ways as the Sun shifts in the sky. A type of sundial, where the end of the sundagger points in the spiral at high noon (for example) indicates a time of year, possibly illuminating a solstice or equinox.  Sun daggers are thought to have been used by Sun Priests during lone vigils with prayers and offerings.  Of the few known, the featured video discusses the historic Picture Rocks Sun Dagger near TucsonArizonaUSA, likely created by a Hohokam Sun Priest around 1000 AD. 

MUSIC Daniel Baremboim - Bachiana brasileira - N.° 5

"Bachiana N° 5"