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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Science & Technology - Astronomy picture of the day : The Ghostly Veil Nebula. Afficher tous les articles


Science & Technology - Astronomy picture of the day : The Ghostly Veil Nebula

2019 October 31
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The Ghostly Veil Nebula 
Image Credit & Copyright: Anis Abdul 
Explanation: A ghostly visage on a cosmic scale, these remains of shocked, glowing gas haunt planet Earth's sky toward the constellation of Cygnus and form the Veil Nebula. The nebula itself is a large supernova remnant, an expanding cloud born of the death explosion of a massive star. Light from the original supernova explosion likely reached Earth over 5,000 years ago. Also known as the Cygnus Loop, the Veil Nebula now spans nearly 3 degrees or about 6 times the diameter of the full Moon. That translates to over 70 light-years at its estimated distance of 1,500 light-years. In fact, the Veil is so large its brighter parts are recognized as separate nebulae, including The Witch's Broom (NGC 6960) below and right of center. At the top left you can find the Spectre of IC 1340Happy Halloween!

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