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ASTRONOMY - Lubovna Full Moon

 2022 July 15

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

Lubovna Full Moon
Petr Horalek / Institute of Physics in Opava

Explanation: On July 13 this well-planned telephoto view recorded a Full Moon rising over Lubovna Castle in eastern Slovakia. The photographer was about 3 kilometers from the castle walls and about 357,000 kilometers from this Full Moon near perigee, the closest point in its elliptical orbit. Known to some as supermoons, full moons near perigee are a little brighter and larger in planet Earth's sky when compared to full moons that occur near the average lunar distance of around 384,000 kilometers. Of course any Full Moon near the horizon can show the effects of refraction over a long sight-line through dense clear atmosphere. In this image, atmospheric refraction creates the slight green flash framed by thin clouds near the top, with a ragged red rim along the bottom edge of July's perigee Full Moon.


ASTRONOMY - Webb's Southern Ring Nebula

 2022 July 14

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

Webb's Southern Ring Nebula

Explanation: Cataloged as NGC 3132 the Southern Ring Nebula is a planetary nebula, the death shroud of a dying sun-like star some 2,500 light-years from Earth. Composed of gas and dust the stunning cosmic landscape is nearly half a light-year in diameter, explored in unprecedented detail by the James Webb Space Telescope. In this NIRCam image the bright star near center is a companion of the dying star. In mutual orbit, the star whose transformation has ejected the nebula's gas and dust shells over thousands of years is the fainter stellar partner. Evolving to become a white dwarf, the faint star appears along the diffraction spike extending toward the 8 o'clock position. This stellar pair's orbital motion has resulted the complex structures within the Southern Ring Nebula.


MERVEILLEUX MONDE SOUS-MARIN - Le doris dalmatien, un drôle de nudibranche

Méditerranée - Doris dalmatien (Peltodoris atromaculata) sur doris dalmatien : difficile de voir qu'ils sont deux !

© Alexis Rosenfeld

ASTRONOMY - Webb's First Deep Field

 2022 July 13

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

Webb's First Deep Field

Explanation: This is the deepest, sharpest infrared image of the cosmos so far. The view of the early Universe toward the southern constellation Volans was achieved in 12.5 hours of exposure with the NIRCam instrument on the James Webb Space Telescope. Of course the stars with six visible spikes are well within our own Milky Way. That diffraction pattern is characteristic of Webb's 18 hexagonal mirror segments operating together as a single 6.5 meter diameter primary mirror. The thousands of galaxies flooding the field of view are members of the distant galaxy cluster SMACS0723-73, some 4.6 billion light-years away. Luminous arcs that seem to infest the deep field are even more distant galaxies though. Their images are distorted and magnified by the dark matter dominated mass of the galaxy cluster, an effect known as gravitational lensing. Analyzing light from two separate arcs below the bright spiky star, Webb's NIRISS instrument indicates the arcs are both images of the same background galaxy. And that galaxy's light took about 9.5 billion years to reach the James Webb Space Telescope.


ASTRONOMY - Noctilucent Clouds over Paris

 2022 July 12

The featured image shows the Eiffel tower in Paris, France
below a wide display of glowing noctilucent clouds. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Noctilucent Clouds over Paris
Credit & Copyright: Bertrand Kulik

Explanation: It's northern noctilucent cloud season. Composed of small ice crystals forming only during specific conditions in the upper atmosphere, noctilucent clouds may become visible at sunset during late summer when illuminated by sunlight from below. Noctilucent clouds are the highest clouds known and now established to be polar mesospheric clouds observed from the ground. Although observed with NASA's AIM satellite since 2007, much about noctilucent clouds remains unknown and so a topic of active research. The featured image shows expansive and rippled noctilucent clouds wafting over ParisFrance. This year, several northern locations are already reporting especially vivid displays of noctilucent clouds.


ASTRONOMY - Andromeda over the Sahara Desert

 2022 July 11

The featured image shows a zoom into the Andromeda Galaxy
over dunes in the Sahara Desert. Two people are barely visible 
at the top of one of the dunes.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Andromeda over the Sahara Desert
Credit & Copyright: Jordi Coy

Explanation: What is the oldest thing you can see? At 2.5 million light years distant, the answer for the unaided eye is the Andromeda galaxy, because its photons are 2.5 million years old when they reach you. Most other apparent denizens of the night sky -- stars, clusters, and nebulae -- appear as they were only a few hundred to a few thousand years ago, as they lie well within our own Milky Way Galaxy. Given its distance, light from Andromeda is likely also the farthest object that you can see. Also known as M31, the Andromeda Galaxy dominates the center of the featured zoomed image, taken from the Sahara Desert in Morocco last month. The featured image is a combination of three background and one foreground exposure -- all taken with the same camera and from the same location and on the same calendar day -- with the foreground image taken during the evening blue hourM110, a satellite galaxy of Andromenda is visible just above and to the left of M31's core. As cool as it may be to see this neighboring galaxy to our Milky Way with your own eyes, long duration camera exposures can pick up many faint and breathtaking details. Recent data indicates that our Milky Way Galaxy will collide and combine with the similarly-sized Andromeda galaxy in a few billion years.

MACROPHOTOGRAPHIE - Un mariage au naturel

La photographe japonaise Miki Asai a imaginé ce cliché comme le symbole d'un mariage. Une fleur -- blanche, il va sans dire -- qui prend racine et qui se noie dans l'eau en guise d'arche de cérémonie romantique. Et deux autres petites fleurs, toutes en innocence, pour figurer les époux, prêts à se promettre le meilleur. Le tout se reflétant comme par enchantement dans une étendue d'eau calme.

Quitte à briser un peu la magie, sachez que pour obtenir un résultat aussi gracieux, il suffit à Miki Asai de poser les protagonistes de la scène sur un plateau de couleur sombre, peu profond et rempli d'eau. Pourquoi de couleur sombre ? Pour qu'un simple papier coloré puisse offrir sa couleur à l'arrière-plan. 

© Miki Asai


MACROPHOTOGRAPHIE - le monde mystérieux et raffiné de Miki Asai - Quand une fourmi prend la pose

Pour la photographe amateur japonaise Miki Asai, l'aventure a commencé lorsqu'elle s'est offert un objectif macro. Ce sont alors tous les

petits secrets invisibles de son jardin qui se sont ouverts à elle. Il y avait là d'incroyables gouttelettes de pluie et de délicates fourmis qui semblaient n'attendre que le regard poétique de Miki Asai pour révéler leurs splendeurs à nos yeux.

Ici, quelques fleurs lilas et de petites gouttes d'eau déposées sur un support, à proximité d'une fourmilière. Un peu de patience et la fourmi, tant désirée pour compléter le tableau, apparaît. Ne reste plus qu'à attendre qu'elle prenne la pose parfaite. Et à espérer qu'aucune poussière ne viendra gâcher le tableau. 

© Mika Asai


ASTRONOMY - In the Center of the Cat's Eye Nebula

2022 July 10
The featured image shows an image of the center of the 
Cat's Eye Nebula as taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. A bright
star is in the center surrounded by a complex red nebula. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

In the Center of the Cat's Eye Nebula
Credit: NASAESAHubbleHLAReprocessing & Copyright: Raul Villaverde

Explanation: Three thousand light-years away, a dying star throws off shells of glowing gas. This image from the Hubble Space Telescope reveals the Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543), to be one of the most complex planetary nebulae known. Spanning half a light-year, the features seen in the Cat's Eye are so complex that astronomers suspect the bright central object may actually be a binary star system. The term planetary nebula, used to describe this general class of objects, is misleading. Although these objects may appear round and planet-like in small telescopes, high resolution images with large telescopes reveal them to be stars surrounded by cocoons of gas blown off in the late stages of stellar evolutionGazing into this Cat's Eye, astronomers may well be seeing more than detailed structure, they may be seeing the fate of our Sun, destined to enter its own planetary nebula phase of evolution ... in about 5 billion years

SANTé/MEDECINE - Le lourd secret des salades en sachet

Des salades lavées avec une solution chlorée

Les salades en sachets ont la côte

Pas besoin de la trier, ni de la laver ou de l'égoutter... les salades en sachets ont de quoi nous séduire.

Pratiques ces salades... mais pas top pour la santé ! Car pour aseptiser au maximum ces salades emballées, une solution chlorée (type eau de Javel) est utilisée pour éliminer les germes et les bactéries.

Et il est prouvé que le contact de l'eau chlorée avec la terre qu'on trouve sur les salades crée des substances potentiellement cancérigènes : les trihalométhanes. En plus, des résidus de chlore peuvent être évacués dans les eaux usées. Ou pire... ils peuvent contaminer les feuilles de salade mal rincées et se retrouver dans nos estomacs. Bref, s'il est parfois recommandé de rincer les salades en sachet une seconde fois, ce n'est pas pour rien...

L'autre problème de ces salades, c'est qu'elles ont perdu toutes leurs vitamines. En cause : l'atmosphère protectrice utilisée pour conserver la salade plus longtemps selon Felicity Lawrence, auteure de "Not on the Label". La vitamine C et la vitamine E, notamment, ne survivent pas à ce conditionnement, tout comme certains antioxydants normalement présents dans la salade. Bref, la salade est bien verte, mais elle est bien pauvre en nutriments. Du coup, quel intérêt d'en manger ?

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LES PLUS BEAUX ASTRES DE LA VOIE LACTéE - L’imposant maître Soleil

Sur cette image, on peut apercevoir les tailles des différentes planètes du Système solaire ainsi que du Soleil . Ou comment se sentir tout...