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ASTRONOMY - Sunset, Moonset, Taj Mahal

 2022 October 27

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

Sunset, Moonset, Taj Mahal
Image Credit & CopyrightNeelam and Ajay Talwar (TWAN)

Explanation: On October 25th, Sun and New Moon set together as seen from Agra, India. Their close conjunction near the western horizon, a partial solar eclipse, was captured in this elevated view in hazy skies near the solitary dome of the Taj Mahal. Of course, the partial solar eclipse was also seen from most of Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East, and western parts of Asia. This eclipse was the last of two solar eclipses (both partial eclipses) in 2022. But the next Full Moon will slide through planet Earth's shadow on November 7/8, in a total lunar eclipse.


MICROPHOTOGRAPHIE - Granulite et graphite


Granulite comportant du graphite. La granulite est une roche métamorphique composée de quartz et de feldspath. L'échantillon provient de l'État de Kerala, au sud ouest de l'Inde. Image réalisée en lumière polarisée. Grossissement 2,5x.

Dr. Bernardo Cesare
Département de géosciences, Padoue, Italie

MACROPHOTOGRAPHIE - Miki Asai - En attendant que vienne une fourmi

La photographe japonaise Miki Asai a choisi la macrophotographie pour révéler à nos yeux ce que la nature a l'habitude de nous dissimuler avec pudeur. Ainsi, elle se refuse à manipuler les insectes qu'elle prend pour modèles. Au lieu de cela, elle prône la patience. Elle peut parfois attendre ainsi plusieurs heures que la scène parfaite se dessine sous son objectif.


AVIATION IMAGINEE - La voiture volante individuelle

Hildebrands, une célèbre marque de chocolat allemand dans les années 1900, nous imaginait chacun en possession d'une voiture volante. Ces dessins suggèrent différents types d'appareils, allant des ailes de chauve-souris à la baignoire surmontant quatre ailes improbables. Ils nous font aujourd'hui sourire par leur optimisme mais sont surtout révélateurs de l'époque des pionniers de l'aviation qui laissait présager un futur aérien...

© Hildebrands

ASTRONOMIE - Mars arrive !

Bien visible à l’œil nu, Mars est sans doute le monde planétaire qui excite le plus notre imaginaire. Observable tous les deux ans, elle est au plus près de nous le 8 décembre 2022 et s’observe facilement tout le long de l’automne 2022 et de l’hiver 2023


ASTRONOMY - Jupiter Rotates as Moons Orbit

 2022 October 25

Jupiter Rotates as Moons Orbit
Video Credit & Copyright: Makrem Larnaout

Explanation: Jupiter and its moons move like our Sun and its planets. Similarly, Jupiter spins while its moons circle around. Jupiter’s rotation can be observed by tracking circulating dark belts and light zones. The Great Red Spot, the largest storm known, rotates to become visible after about 15 seconds in the 48-second time lapse video. The video is a compilation of shorts taken over several nights last month and combined into a digital recreation of how 24-continuous hours would appear. Jupiter's brightest moons always orbit in the plane of the planet's rotation, even as Earth’s spin makes the whole system appear to tilt. The moons EuropaGanymede, and Io are all visible, with Europa's shadow appearing as the icy Galilean moon crosses Jupiter's disk. Jupiter remains near opposition this month, meaning that it is unusually bright, near to its closest to the Earth, and visible nearly all night long.


ASTRONOMY - Milky Way and Zodiacal Light over Australian Pinnacles

 2022 October 23

The featured image shows a landscape of narrow triangular rocks
below a night sky that features the band of the Milky Way arching
overhead. Connecting the land to the sky is a bright of diffuse
zodiacal light.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Milky Way and Zodiacal Light over Australian Pinnacles
Image Credit & Copyright: Jingyi Zhang

Explanation: What strange world is this? Earth. In the foreground of the featured image are the Pinnacles, unusual rock spires in Nambung National Park in Western Australia. Made of ancient sea shells (limestone), how these human-sized picturesque spires formed remains a topic of research. The picturesque panorama was taken in 2017 September. A ray of zodiacal light, sunlight reflected by dust grains orbiting between the planets in the Solar System, rises from the horizon near the image center. Arching across the top is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. The planets Jupiter and Saturn, as well as several famous stars are also visible in the background night sky.


ASTRONOMY - Pillars of Creation

 2022 October 20

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

Pillars of Creation
Image Credit: Science - NASAESACSASTScINIRCam
Processing - Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Anton M. Koekemoer (STScI), Alyssa Pagan (STScI)

Explanation: A now famous picture from the Hubble Space Telescope featured these star forming columns of cold gas and dust light-years long inside M16, the Eagle Nebula, dubbed the Pillars of Creation. This James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam image expands Hubble's exploration of that region in greater detail and depth inside the iconic stellar nursery. Particularly stunning in Webb's near infrared view is the telltale reddish emission from knots of material undergoing gravitational collapse to form stars within the natal clouds. The Eagle Nebula is some 6,500 light-years distant. The larger bright emission nebula is itself an easy target for binoculars or small telescopes. M16 lies along the plane of our Milky Way galaxy in a nebula rich part of the sky, toward the split constellation Serpens Cauda (the tail of the snake).


MERVEILLEUX MONDE SOUS-MARIN - La baleine à bosse - Megaptera novaeangliae

Polynésie française - Océan Pacifique - Archipel des Australes - Ile de Rurutu

Par jeu, sous le coup de l'énervement ou pour intimider un amoureux trop pressant, les baleines frappent la surface de l'eau de leur queue à la puissance phénoménale. Les motifs, les taches, les échancrures qui marquent la face interne de la caudale varient d'un individu à l'autre, et sont une sorte de carte d'identité de l'animal.

D'une année sur l'autre, les guides animaliers parviennent ainsi à reconnaître mères et petits, et à évaluer la bonne santé de la population locale de cétacés. Dans certaines régions, les cétologues dressent de véritables catalogues d'identification. La population mondiale des baleines à bosse est actuellement estimée à vingt mille individus.

© Alexis Rosenfeld

ASTRONOMY - A Galaxy Beyond Stars, Gas, Dust

 2022 October 19

The featured image shows distant spiral galaxy NGC 7497
in a field of foreground stars, gas, and dust. The foreground
gas and dust is in our own Milky Way galaxy and so well in 
front of the galaxy -- but appears to go right through it. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

A Galaxy Beyond Stars, Gas, Dust
Image Credit & Copyright: Howard Trottier; Text: Emily Rice

Explanation: Do we dare believe our eyes? When we look at images of space, we often wonder whether they are "real", and just as often the best answer varies. In this case, the scene appears much as our eyes would see it, because it was obtained using RGB (Red, Green, Blue) filters like the cone cells in our eyes, except collecting light for 19 hours, not a fraction of a second. The featured image was captured over six nights, using a 24-inch diameter telescope in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, in CaliforniaUSA. The bright spiral galaxy at the center (NGC 7497) looks like it is being grasped by an eerie tendril of a space ghost, and therein lies the trick. The galaxy is actually 59 million light years away, while the nebulosity is MBM 54, less than one thousand light years away, making it one of the nearest cool clouds of gas and dust -- galactic cirrus -- within our own Milky Way Galaxy. Both are in the constellation of Pegasus, which can be seen high overhead from northern latitudes in the autumn.

ASTRONOMIE - Galaxies - NGC 4414

Une galaxie spirale . (photo HST, APOD 09/09/1999)