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Le terme « fenouil » s'applique à plusieurs taxons distincts de la famille des Apiacées (anc. ombellifères). C'est le fenouil commun que l'on utilise en cuisine. Son goût ressemble à celui de l'anis. On peut cuisiner toutes les parties de la plante : racines, feuilles et graines. On peut le consommer cru, en salade, ou cuit.

Connues depuis l'Antiquité, ses qualités thérapeutiques sont essentiellement carminatives, expectorantes et antispasmodiques.

© Dominique Archambault/jinjian liang, CC by-nc 2.0

ASTRONOMY - The Heart and Soul Nebulas

 2023 February 14

Two red emission nebulas are shown in front of a dark
but colorful starfield. The Soul Nebula is on the lower left, while
the Heart Nebula is on the upper right. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

The Heart and Soul Nebulas
Image Credit & Copyright: Juan Lozano de Haro

Explanation: Is the heart and soul of our Galaxy located in Cassiopeia? Possibly not, but that is where two bright emission nebulas nicknamed Heart and Soul can be found. The Heart Nebula, officially dubbed IC 1805 and visible in the featured image on the upper right, has a shape reminiscent of a classical heart symbol. The shape is perhaps fitting for Valentine's Day. The Soul Nebula is officially designated IC 1871 and is visible on the lower left. Both nebulas shine brightly in the red light of energized hydrogen, one of three colors shown in this three-color montageLight takes about 6,000 years to reach us from these nebulas, which together span roughly 300 light yearsStudies of stars and clusters like those found in the Heart and Soul nebulas have focused on how massive stars form and how they affect their environment.


ASTRONOMY - Comet ZTF and Mars

 2023 February 13

A deep starfield features an orange planet Mars on the left
and a green-headed Comet ZTF on the right. In the foreground
is a landscape that includes the top of a famous mountain 
known as the Matterhorn.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Comet ZTF and Mars
Image Credit & Copyright: Donato Lioce

Explanation: No, Comet ZTF is not going to hit Mars. Nicknamed the Green Comet for its bright green coma, C/2022 E3 (ZTF) did, however, pass almost in front of the much-more distant planet a few days ago, very near in time to when the featured picture was taken. The two sky icons were here captured behind a famous Earth icon -- the Matterhorn, a mountain in the Italian Alps with a picturesque peak. Both the foreground and background images were taken on the same evening by the same camera and from the same location. The comet's white dust tail is visible to the right of the green coma, while the light blue ion tail trails towards the top of the image. Orange Mars is well in front of the numerous background stars as well as the dark nebula Barnard 22 to its lower right. Although Mars remains visible in the evening sky for the next few months, Comet ZTF has already begun to fade as it returns to the outer Solar System.


ASTRONOMY - Stellar Wind-Shaped Nebula RCW 58

 2023 February 8

A red oval and textured nebula is seen surrounded by a faint
blue glow. A bright star is visible in the center, and many faint
stars are visible in the background. 
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

Stellar Wind-Shaped Nebula RCW 58
Image Credit & Copyright: Mike Selby & Mark Hanson; Text: Natalia Lewandowska (SUNY Oswego)

Explanation: Imagine traveling to a star about 100 times as massive as our Sun, a million times more luminous, and with 30 times the surface temperature. Such stars exist, and some are known as Wolf Rayet (WR) stars, named after French astronomers Charles Wolf and Georges Rayet. The central star in this image is WR 40 which is located toward the constellation of Carina. Stars like WR 40 live fast and die young in comparison with the Sun. They quickly exhaust their core hydrogen supply, move on to fusing heavier core elements, and expand while ejecting their outer layers via high stellar winds. In this case, the central star WR 40 ejects the atmosphere at a speed of nearly 100 kilometers per second, and these outer layers have become the expanding oval-shaped nebula RCW 58.


ASTRONOMY - The Colliding Spiral Galaxies of Arp 274

 2023 January 23

Two spiral galaxies are shown right next to each other, 
with a smaller distorted galaxy on the far left.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

The Colliding Spiral Galaxies of Arp 274
Image Credit: NASAESAHubbleProcessing & Copyright: Mehmet Hakan Özsaraç
Explanation: Two galaxies are squaring off in Virgo and here are the latest pictures. When two galaxies collide, the stars that compose them usually do not. This is because galaxies are mostly empty space and, however bright, stars only take up only a small fraction of that space. But during the collision, one galaxy can rip the other apart gravitationally, and dust and gas common to both galaxies does collide. If the two galaxies merge, black holes that likely resided in each galaxy center may eventually merge. Because the distances are so large, the whole thing takes place in slow motion -- over hundreds of millions of years. Besides the two large spiral galaxies, a smaller third galaxy is visible on the far left of the featured image of Arp 274, also known as NGC 5679. Arp 274 spans about 200,000 light years across and lies about 400 million light years away toward the constellation of Virgo.


MERVEILLEUX MONDE SOUS-MARIN - Canyon de Zhemchug - Mer de Béring (océan Pacifique)

Crédit photo: Capture d’écran – BBC

Le plus grand canyon du monde dans les océans est celui de Zhemchug dans la mer de Béring. Il a une profondeur de 2,6 kilomètres et est visible depuis l’espace.


ASTRONOMY - In Green Company: Aurora over Norway

 2023 January 22

A person stands on a steep snow-covered hill with their 
arms raised. In the distance green aurora are visible. Past that
stars are visible.
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

In Green Company: Aurora over Norway
Image Credit & Copyright: Max Rive

Explanation: Raise your arms if you see an aurora. With those instructions, two nights went by with, well, clouds -- mostly. On the third night of returning to same peaks, though, the sky not only cleared up but lit up with a spectacular auroral display. Arms went high in the air, patience and experience paid off, and the creative featured image was captured as a composite from three separate exposures. The setting is a summit of the Austnesfjorden fjord close to the town of Svolvear on the Lofoten islands in northern Norway. The time was early 2014. Although our Sun passed the solar minimum of its 11-year cycle only a few years ago, surface activity is picking up and already triggering more spectacular auroras here on Earth.


ASTRONOMY - Naked-eye Comet ZTF

 023 January 21

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

Naked-eye Comet ZTF
Image Credit & CopyrightÓscar Martín Mesonero (Organización Salmantina de la Astronáutica y el Espacio)

Explanation: Comet C/2022E3 (ZTF) no longer requires a telescope for viewing. By January 19, it could just be seen with the naked eye in this rural sky with little light pollution from a location about 20 kilometers from Salamanca, Spain. Still, telescopic images are needed to show any hint of the comet's pretty green coma, stubby whitish dust tail, and long ion tail. Its faint ion tail has been buffeted by recent solar activity. This visitor from the distant Oort cloud rounded the Sun on January 12. and is now sweeping through stars near the northern boundary of the constellation Bootes. Outward bound but still growing brighter, Comet ZTF makes its closest approach on February 2, coming to within about 2.4 light-minutes of our fair planet.


ASTRONOMY - The Seagull Nebula

 2023 January 19

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

The Seagull Nebula
Image Credit & CopyrightCarlos Taylor

Explanation: A broad expanse of glowing gas and dust presents a bird-like visage to astronomers from planet Earth, suggesting its popular moniker - The Seagull Nebula. Using narrowband image data, this 3-panel mosaic of the cosmic bird covers a 2.5 degree swath across the plane of the Milky Way, near the direction of Sirius, alpha star of the constellation Canis Major. Likely part of a larger shell structure swept up by successive supernova explosions, the broad Seagull Nebula is cataloged as Sh2-296 and IC 2177. The prominent bluish arc below and right of center is a bow shock from runaway star FN Canis Majoris. This complex of gas and dust clouds with other stars of the Canis Majoris OB1 association spans over 200 light-years at the Seagull Nebula's estimated 3,800 light-year distance.


BIOMIMETISME - La soie super-résistante des araignées

La soie produite par les araignées est connue depuis longtemps pour sa résistance. On dit qu'elle est 5 fois plus résistante que l'acier, tout en étant plus légère et plus élastique. De telles propriétés ont forcément intéressé l'armée pour en faire des gilets pare-balles, ou pour renforcer les ceintures de sécurité dans les voitures. Mais produire suffisamment de soie d'araignée est un véritable challenge. Il faut plusieurs milliers d'araignées pour obtenir à peine 500 grammes de soie ; de ce côté-là, les vers à soie sont plus rentables.

C'est pour cela que des fibres artificielles inspirées de la soie d'araignée sont en développement dans de nombreux domaines, comme la création de fils chirurgicaux, de textiles balistiques ou encore à mémoire de forme. Malgré tout, la création de ces fibres restent onéreuses.


ASTRONOMY - Christmas Tree Aurora

 2024 December 23 Christmas Tree Aurora Image Credit & Copyright:  Jingyi Zhang Explanation:  It was December and the sky lit up like a ...